Is rockcrawling ready for blu-ray?


Boy, your in a pick ol'
the intranet
I am thinking about making our next release in blu-ray, a limited number of copies in an High Definition format. would anyone be interested in seeing it in HD or should I just release a standard dvd? Interested meaning willing to pay more money, blu ray would be like 35 dollars a disc. as opposed to 20.


Vanilla Gorilla
I'm interested in downloading copies of all your movies for free from the internet...but other than that I have never heard of ya.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
I would not be interested in blu-ray, I would be more interested in a good film, well put together, entertaining, action packed DVD that was less than $20. But I am cheap when it comes to buying movies.


somewhat damaged
I'm fine with this thread because it's more of an open market research. Anybody who deals with 4x4 filming may benefit from the opinions here.

I haven't been excited by the HD / Blu-ray movement yet. I'm completely fine with DVD, but then again I don't have any kind of HD equipment in my possession beside my computer monitors.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'm waiting for one format to take over. Blue Ray has more potential, but HD DVD looks better right now and is cheaper....


Boy, your in a pick ol'
the intranet

Thanks cody
Yeah it was more market research, to get an overall feeling on how you guys want your next movie.
Believe it or not were all waiting for the porn industry to choose a format again. They ended the beta vhs war. Let that be a lesson to you, it all comes down to porn..... and beer, and cigarettes.
This is the overall impression I got that our market isn't really ready for blu ray or hdvd.
Anyone with a different opinion I'd like to here it as well.

I have to say though the stuff josh and I have cut in hd has looked spectacular in HD on his plasma screen.

Mead, WA
I'm sure that if you made them, someone would buy them. There is always one guy out there that has all of the toys...

As for me buying them? I don't think so... I don't buy them..Nor do I hunt the 'net to get them for free. -_- The RC movies just lack everything, IMO. I get a lot more excitement in doing, or even watching live, than watching at home on my TV.


somewhat damaged
I haven't even had the chance to see an HD movie in person, besides the quick glance at a Best Buy.

I'd love to get into, but I think the majority of people will wait it out to see who becomes the alpha format and also wait for the technology to become more affordable.


Boy, your in a pick ol'
the intranet
1080i is still 1080i on a 1080p you big showoff cody, what ru doing in AZ?
I am currently working on releasing it in blu-ray despite my premonition it won't sell. If it doesn't I'm only out a blu-ray burner and the time it took too author the disc. The format war seems to be at a stalemate for the time being.
And as for making a dvd for less than $20 damn near impossible, I sell my dvd's at 20 dollars and make a small profit a piece after the distributor and then the shop takes their cut. Marketing is expensive.

I am fine for now with my DVD player, I really haven't looked into getting a Blue Ray or HD DVD player(I would buy a bigger TV and keep my same DVD player, before I buy a HD DVD or Blue Ray player). But to answer your question, I wouldn't go for a HD DVD or Blue Ray format.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
If I had the equipment to play HD stuff, I would have already accepted the fact that I'd be paying more for HD movies, and would therefore buy your blu ray movie over a standard DVD. But since I don't have any such equipment, I'm stuck buying standard DVDs.

As for the format war, I'd buy an Xbox 360 with the HD DVD add-on and hope it won. If Blu Ray ended up winning, then I'd buy a PS3 and have both!


Nate Davidson
Meridian ID
I just bought a Pioneer HD dvd player at bestbuy for $90.00. Take it home to realize that my HD tv is not HD, but HD ready and does not have any of the ports available for HD. Soooo, I would love to see something in HD, but it will have to wait until my 5 y/o tv dies and I have to replace it.