JOHN SWALLOW for Congress


Much more comfortable
Eagle Mountain
Everybody that's into 4wheeling, camping, or anything else outdoors should check him out! In one of his commercials he's on a horse talking about saving the land FOR the people, instead of FROM the people.

If we plan on continuing our sport and hobby for years to come, we better start doing something about it.

I would encourage you to vote for John Swallow.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
I agree..... as has been said before, Matheson supports the Greenies and their agenda.

In this round of elections, Matheson has outspent Swallow throughout the race, and has been running two to three times as many television spots as the Republican! I think you can see that Matheson is pretty worried about his competition, BUT we still need as much backing for John Swallow as we can get!


grocery getter driver
So. Jordan
I watched their debate on KBYU last night, and after seeing it I wasn't drawn to either of them. But Swallow will get my vote for his position on land use.


Vanilla Gorilla
dang it I need to read the threads that I am completely disinterested in sometimes....I have to be a more responsible moderator....even the name of this thread has a pronographic context......:rolleyes:


I thought that was fairly clean considering....
I'm interested in anyone who steps up to save offroading how ever it is...
Greg did you get any candy or what.....
Have a happy day


I give up :(
Ogden Utah
I don't like being political or anything but there would be allot more fun and a lot less weed in this country if we sent all of our elephants to denmark where they'd feel more at home:mad:. There would be a heck of allot more room for wheelin in california too.


I would advise everyone who can vote to look more closely at other issue's that canidates support or don't. It is great that Swallow:)D ) supports outdoor recreation but were does he stand on education? How does he feel about our current economic situation? What does he plan to do about homeland security? I hope that we don't vote for somebody becuase we support only one thing that he stands for, there are other issues that may be more important than wheeling.


Registered User
Logan Utah
John Swallow is a conserative Republican it is not hard to see were he stands on other issues. For example lets take homeland security, the senate leaders aka Tom (puff) dashle has held up home land securty now for several months, infact anything that the President has asked for has made it threw the house with with ease because of a conservative majority but once it reaches the senate dashle parkinglots the issue. Even President Bush's federal court nominations have been blocked for the past two years. This is unprecidented in U.S history. never have a presidents nomonies been held up for a vote in the senate at this magnitude. The dem's have found that by keeping their liberal justices in office they can challenge the result or elction law in any state that has a liberal state supreeme court such as the Florida State court, or most recently the New Jersey Supreem Court, Law simply dosent matter to theese folks. As our Great Rep Jim Hansen said "Jim Mathison (Or Dave Thomas for those of us up North) is a democrat, just like I am a republican.... You are either a member of the Party of George W. Bush or you are a member of the party of Bill Clinton Al Gore and Tom Dashle" That pretty much says it all. sorry about the soap box but when it comes down to it we need to make one punch and that is republican if we want our freedoms protected. Remebmer, "This Land is our Land." Lets keep it a land of many uses and not a land of little use.


Parts Collector
This is the same republican party that wants to raise our gas tax another 10 cents a gallon this year in this state. Where's the relief? I will grudgingly vote Republican, but I won't like it.

Who is John Galt?



I give up :(
Ogden Utah
Uh, I am a strongly oppinionated person in politics but it might be best to go out and vote and let this thread die while we are all still freinds;)


Much more comfortable
Eagle Mountain
Originally posted by ace
This is the same republican party that wants to raise our gas tax another 10 cents a gallon this year in this state. Where's the relief? I will grudgingly vote Republican, but I won't like it.
It won't matter if the gas goes up if we don't have anywhere to go.


Registered User
Logan Utah
People can have different political views and still remain friends, some of my friends have differnt views, but they are still friends. I think healthy debate is a good thing. I have been very disapointed this election because every time a legitamate question is posed tward ones voting record or veiws it is considerd an attack. That is rediculous. Well yall have a good day.


Registered User
Logan Utah
You imply that Republicans are greedy. Why is wanting to control your own money greed? I am generous with my means but srongly feel that I can manage my money better than the feds can. One only needs to look at the amount of the money the government throws away. Basic Economics teaches that things are best left to the our Market system, and fiscal policy has very little to do with the growth or decay of the economy. despite what many politians want you to belive the Office of the president has little to do with the present state of the economy. Things that have helped grow the economy are the tax cut the market teaches that the more money held and spent by the citezens the better, however large amounts of government spending does not have the same effect. Things that hurt the economy are heavy tax, tarrifs on imported goods, or price sealings or floors. At the end of the day Alan Greenspan has more of an effect on economic activity then does the the U.S congress. The Economy is good and has been growing and is getting stronger every day, intrest rates are lower than they have been in a very long time.


something to do...
to bad ever body is losing their jobs, and our federal deficit is now off the chart that BUSH IS NOW IN OFFICE!! ECONOMY GROWING? ya right!!
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