Lamest Termination Ever

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
As some of you know (especially the folks who helped me move) I moved out here from FL for the 2nd time early this year after being hired by a CO-based rep firm. Today I was terminated. Not that it's an unusual story these days but the way I found out is a new one for me.

The first thing I noticed was I could not longer make calls on the company cell phone. I used my personal cell to call my work phone and sure enough, I get the disconnect number message. About a minute later, my iPhone pops up a message that it cannot connect to my work email account.

Now I've been fired by some of the best out there, but this is some weak sauce! I feel like that guy from Office Space with the red stapler. The last time I took a gig out here, I moved back to FL after it was over. This time, I am going to stick it out here in UT.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
As some of you know (especially the folks who helped me move) I moved out here from FL for the 2nd time early this year after being hired by a CO-based rep firm. Today I was terminated. Not that it's an unusual story these days but the way I found out is a new one for me.

The first thing I noticed was I could not longer make calls on the company cell phone. I used my personal cell to call my work phone and sure enough, I get the disconnect number message. About a minute later, my iPhone pops up a message that it cannot connect to my work email account.

Now I've been fired by some of the best out there, but this is some weak sauce! I feel like that guy from Office Space with the red stapler. The last time I took a gig out here, I moved back to FL after it was over. This time, I am going to stick it out here in UT.

That sucks to hear. Good luck in the search. The least they could do is give you a chat face/face.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Utah has a way of hanging on to you like that. I moved here in July 05' and usually move within 12-18mos. Same job, still here.

Holding out till we can become expats, and flee the country:D

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I had a phone interview with a company out of CA (they called me). They're OK with me being based in UT and I am 90% sure I am hired. Partner A has to talk with partner B tomorrow.

If I do get the job, I would've been unemployed for 4 hrs which is a new record for me.


somewhat damaged
They just change the door security code where I work. :rolleyes:

Glad you have a new gig lined up. Hope it pans out!

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
Wow, bad news then potential good news! What is it you do?

I really have no marketable skills therefore I find myself in sales. I worked for about 12 years for an audio manufacturer called "JL Audio". I was working the Rocky Mountain territory directly back in 2007.

I got a job working as a manufacturer rep for a firm in CO (the guys who just fired me).

The potential new job is working for a company I represented which means my old boss would be working for me. In my email to him I wrote that I hoped there would be no problems getting paid the money I am owed and that we can still be friends. We do work in a very small industry after all.


Your Realtor
Woods Cross, UT
That is a crappy way to fire someone.

I've had to let a few people go over the years and its never easy, but you gotta man up, call them in the office and close the door.

Good luck in the job search!


Registered User
May 1st I was taken to a back office right when I walked in the door and handed a letter. And that was that. Packed my stuff up and left.

Got a good gig a couple weeks later.