Last Minute Call for volunteers (Habitat for Humanity "A Brush With Kindness")


New Member
Twin Falls, ID
I know this is last minute but if anyone can come out this coming Saturday morning the 27th and help out an elderly lady with cleaning up her yard for Habitat for Humanity, that would be great. I know some of you in the past have came out and helped me and Habitat for Humanity with projects before and If you can again, please come out. This is another way to get out into our community and let them know who we are and what we stand for with perserving our natural habitats and keeping our sport alive. So if you can come, be at;
340 W 200 N
La Verkin, UT
at 8 am. This project should only take a couple of hours depending on how many people show. When you get there just look for my red Dodge and if I'm not there (Robert) for some reason ask for Jackie and she'll get you squared away and put ya to work. Thanks for you support on such a short notice and hope to see there.


New Member
Twin Falls, ID
I wish I had seen this earlier. I would have loved to help (and road trip down to La Verkin).

Thanks for taking care of someone in need

It was an easy day, trimmed some hedges and bushes, then cut down an old peach tree. I should know further in advance for the next one and maybe with the next one we can throw in a ride afterwards. Maybe that would get more people to ome out. Thanks for for interest though and hopefully we'll see ya at the next one.