Little Help


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Dear Friends,

The Utah Legislative session is going on right now and will close March 5th 2008. One very important issue regards making animal abuse in Utah a felony. The proposed bill HB470 aka Henrys law would make animal cruelty cases a first offence felony laws for animal abuse in Utah and that this is the ONLY law currently at the Utah legislature that will provide animals with the protection they deserve. Please follow the links provided and simply fill out your name and address to send a pre generated letter to the represenitive who is pushing this bill during this section, it will only take a moment of your time.
Need motivation? Meet Henry.

On April 26, 2006, Marc C. Vincent chased Henry with a leaf blower blinding him in the left eye. The eye became infected and later had to be removed. He then put Henry in a 200-degree oven for 5 minutes permanently scarring him on the paws and chest.
Under current Utah law, intentional animal cruelty or torture is a Class A Misdemeanor with the maximum penalties being up to 1 year in jail and up to a $2500 fine
Marc Vincent was convicted of intentional animal cruelty and was sentenced to 6 months in jail and a $500 fine. He was released after serving just 4 ½ months due to ‘good behavior’.

Thank you for your time.
Dominic Simpson
Proud supporter of


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
PS. I don't oppose hunting as long as it is done in a humane manner. Also this bill would not effect livestock and other farm raised animals unless said animals were being intentionally hurt.


Registered User
Riverton, Utah
I signed. I truely believe that someone that could do that to an animal could and probably will do that to another human if they dont get help. I have a boxer and cant imagine her being tortured! she is a family member, just like one of my kids.

it just makes me sick to think that there are people out there that could do things to animals like this....


Registered User
Ogden, Utah
Be sure to read this bill before you sign the petition. Cruelty to animals is not clearly defined and will be left up to the courts to interpret. While people say this will not affect hunting, it very well may. None of the hunting or shooting organizations are backing this bill because of the reason listed above. So before you blindly follow like sheep, read the bill.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
Be sure to read this bill before you sign the petition. Cruelty to animals is not clearly defined and will be left up to the courts to interpret. While people say this will not affect hunting, it very well may. None of the hunting or shooting organizations are backing this bill because of the reason listed above. So before you blindly follow like sheep, read the bill.

f) "Torture" means a person:
116 (i) intentionally or knowingly inflicts on an animal or subjects an animal to extreme
117 physical pain or serious bodily injury as defined in Section 76-1-601 ; and
118 (ii) acts under circumstances evidencing extreme cruelty or depravity.

I encourage everyone to research this and decide if you agree however there is no excuse for anyone to inflict pain for enjoyment or pleasure to any living thing. I am a hunter my self and have nothing against the true sport. However there are people out there who undermine the true meaning of hunting and hunt in an unsportsman like fashion. I am against hunters that are reckless and have little or no respect for the game they pursue.


It's just one term!
Be sure to read this bill before you sign the petition. Cruelty to animals is not clearly defined and will be left up to the courts to interpret. While people say this will not affect hunting, it very well may. None of the hunting or shooting organizations are backing this bill because of the reason listed above. So before you blindly follow like sheep, read the bill.

X2. We all know how bad courts can be interpeting(sp) laws.
When this bill is properly written it may prevent real abuse. Until then it is pointless.

Whole some thing needs to be done, I don't believe this is it.
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Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
X2. We all know how bad courts can be interpeting(sp) laws.
When this bill is properly written it may prevent real abuse. Until then it is pointless.

Whole some thing needs to be done, I don't believe this is it.

Well any step to stopping it would be a step in the right direction. Believe it or not there is a link between animal abuse and future abuse to human life.


It's just one term!
Well any step to stopping it would be a step in the right direction. Believe it or not there is a link between animal abuse and future abuse to human life.

That is a well known fact I've heard for years, and I'm not in disagreement some thing needs done, just not very comfortable with this proposal.

It reminds me of some states that were trying to pass Jessicas Law,
But tried to pass it so fast they were'nt covering all aspects.
Some states actually passed it with a 10 year mandatory sentance. (That's a crime in its self)

I just don't like how this bill has been rushed through to possibly do more unintended harm than expected.