Lovin' all the love

What's up with all the weddings? Has the wheeling gotten so bland that everyone has decided to fall in love instead? Don't get me wrong, I love a good love story and wedding, I was just curious after receiving our second invitation last night for a wedding within a week of the other wedding. Maybe it's just a Utah thing?
What the hell! No way that would EVER happen! :ugh::ugh:
That's unfortunate. You seem pretty high strung recently and look at how mellow Stevie is. I really feel that it has to do with his nude nature jaunts as I know an idvidual who is just as mellow and chill cola as Stevie and he has similar practices. Just a suggestion! ;)
At first you don't succeed, try try again?
Or maybe there was so much good the first time around it gives them hope for a second attempt? Did you read this in that link........ "Research shows married people live longer, are happier and are wealthier than single people." So basically, we're going to outlive you all whilst being happier AND richer!! :p

You're a better man than I.... I'd have stayed out wheeling.:D
You and me both. I think that's why all the wedding invites have mostly stopped coming in. Fortunately, these are all fellow rock crawlers so they'll understand if we flake! :greg:


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East Stabbington
Or maybe there was so much good the first time around it gives them hope for a second attempt? Did you read this in that link........ "Research shows married people live longer, are happier and are wealthier than single people." So basically, we're going to outlive you all whilst being happier AND richer!! :p

Hm, it's relative. I'll gladly sacrifice a year or two of my decrepit years in exchange for doing what I want, when i want, without permission, (and with no need for forgiveness) while I'm young and healthy. As for the money, that's just simple math. Sure, 80k combined income is more than 60k single income. But two people (or more) living off of 80k is, at most, 40k per person while I get the entire 60k to myself! It's science really.
Hm, it's relative. I'll gladly sacrifice a year or two of my decrepit years in exchange for doing what I want, when i want, without permission, (and with no need for forgiveness) while I'm young and healthy. As for the money, that's just simple math. Sure, 80k combined income is more than 60k single income. But two people (or more) living off of 80k is, at most, 40k per person while I get the entire 60k to myself! It's science really.
You know the only reason I raze you about this is so that when you do get your socks knocked off and become all googly-eyed, we can all remind you of your more "cynical" days. :)
Was my wedding one of these? If not, you could add it to your list...:p

It is most certainly is on my list! Your's was a hoot, we did exactly as you wanted and went to the lake and had a most fabulous celebration which included Muddy Buddies, a lot of surfing and wake boarding. You should ask Kami about the surfing.....and the squealing. :rofl: