Lurkers and registered members that don't post up....


Honestly I am here to learn. I like to read about others tips, trips, and experiences. I love Moab, but I prefer to travel in a different mode.





Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
Hey, I resemble that remark.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but it seems like a lot of the new people are teenagers. I try to avoid teens whenever possible, so I find myself posting and visiting less.

It's ok people, most of the assholes aren't posting anymore.... and I'm posting a lot less....


Sandy, Ut
Hey, I resemble that remark.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but it seems like a lot of the new people are teenagers. I try to avoid teens whenever possible, so I find myself posting and visiting less.

Well BC, that's because your the anomaly of the older generation that can actually use a computer and better yet navigate a forum. Well you and Bart anyways :D

I kid, I kid. We need the wisdom for you seasoned veterans to keep us behaving :p


Sgt. CulPepper
If everyone that posted in the classifieds also started a thread outside the classifieds, we'd have a busy site! The 3 areas I would love to see have more threads are General Discussion, Tech Talk and Trip Reports.

This spring I did a ton of work on the Jeep. I rebuilt a Dana 44, built my own truss, upper long arms, frame brackets, Put on Front and Rear Poison Spyder tube fenders and a bunch of other stuff. It was a big year for me. At first I started taking pics of the axle when I got it and did some progrees pics but after that I just quit. I guess I felt dumb putting my pics of my weak sauce setup on the web.
Shay was pissed at me, she said you should have started a thread and put those pics on there it would have been cool and plus you could have got a few pointers.
So in the future I am going to quit being such a big pussy and just post my projects and take the criticism I get as a positive thing and hopefully it will make old Sgt. Culpepper a better wheeling jeep.


Boise Idaho
how's your jeep?

It was great wheeling with you! You need to come back out. How is the Jeep?

sorry Matt, but his jeep left Moab in better shape than yours did! sorry to dig on ya. hope you got her back together.

on topic, i remember being new on the site and getting jacka$$ attacks from people that didn't know me which was a turn off. but the people i have met and wheeled with are awesome and i've had a blast (Ichi-san, Herzog and Matt to name a few)

Couple of pros on here even took the time to come to my house and check out my Nissan Frontier SAS. They didn't drink too much beer and wouldn't take $$??????? wierd...just kidding
but thx to their advice i'd have to say the SAS is perfect; i'm down in texas now, great road manners, been wheeling all over and they are a big part of the success. Selfless guys that love the sport and help others. awesome.

I've been screwed 2x using the classifieds by people that have no morals or values but i imagine that's not that bad considering how much i've used it(VERY tempting to call them out but they are well known here and it'd just create a sh#$ storm). The classifieds though really make this great site even better.
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somewhat damaged
I've been screwed 2x using the classifieds by people that have no morals or values but i imagine that's not that bad considering how much i've used it(VERY tempting to call them out but they are well known here and it'd just create a sh#$ storm). The classifieds though really make this great site even better.

If you get screwed on the classifieds here report it to us! We don't like having our classifieds taken advantage of by jerks. :)


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
I'm feel like I'm an old timer that has slowed way down on my posts. Main reason is because the form has changed so much. The old timers on this board no longer go wheeling together, we no longer are part of the "first". The newbies come on board and act like they are all knowing trying to make a name for themselves (not all). The feuds got old the pissing contests are a waist.

I have done many builds up where I want to post a thread but I just don't feel like contributing anymore. Sad,,, I know. The last time I had a PM war with a member was it for me what a waist of my time. For some reason people feel like they have to judge you on who they think you are.

I appreciate the occasional PM from an old fellow wheeler wanting to go out. Other than that, I lurk noadaz.

This is a great board and there is a lot of good info. If it is working for you that is wonderful.

Peace out.


Sandy, Ut
I'm feel like I'm an old timer that has slowed way down on my posts. Main reason is because the form has changed so much. The old timers on this board no longer go wheeling together, we no longer are part of the "first". The newbies come on board and act like they are all knowing trying to make a name for themselves (not all). The feuds got old the pissing contests are a waist.


Can you believe that was 7 years ago?



Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
Shawn, do you remember our snow-covered parking lot drag race out at 5 mile pass at the winter convention? That was a blast!


I’ll echo what has for the most part already been stated… I lurk and don’t participate by way of posting because I really don’t have much to add. Most of the people on these forums know much more about this hobby/sport than I and I’m just here to gather information/education. This site and others (expeditionutah, wasatchcruisers) have been very helpful in me getting out on the trail and understanding the sport and my vehicle better… so thanks for posting. Jason


Backroad Adventurer
Its no fun if you're always keepin all 4 on the rocks:p

True enough! ;)


photo taken by Alex

I check in about once a week and mostly only lurk. Just too many forums, too little time. And then I fell way behind on trip reports last year - still have tons of photos to go through from 2008.