March 14-17ish


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
I'm on call next week Tue-Thur. If I don't get called out by Wed night I'll be planning to head somewhere in the desert on Thursday. Weather cycles and my time off did not align for February so I have some nights to make up. I've had more bad family news this week and need a break out in my happy place. I have zero plans other than dates and somewhere in the swellish. Going to point the Gladiator south and find dry dirt to hang out in and explore for a few days.

Welcome to join.


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Alright start is still TBD, just depends if Delta requires my services this week. For me a Thur or Fri departure. @DAA has confirmed a strong possibility of a definite maybe. @Kevin B. is waiting to hear about his F*rd(s). If one is operational he’ll be joining Saturday.

Again, just going to wander and explore side canyons. I might head further south than originally planned and go put tracks on those red lines for BRC and get some pics for one of you with the socials to post for them.