Moab June 26-27


big, blue, & beautiful
first, a big thanks to Suka for getting the sammy's frame repaired in such a timely manner. after we took the sammy home, our tires had arrived, so that meant only one thing: MOAB!!! :D we left saturday morning and decided to do Gold Bar, since we knew the trail and this was the test run on the new suspension. of course, she walked right over everything, piece of cake. it was getting late and it started raining, so we headed back to town and got some dinner and drinks.

sunday, we decided to try the Moab Rim. after making it up to the top successfully, one ledge caught us up and we started sliding, and slid our tire and rear bumper underneath an undercut rock ledge. aside from not being able to drive forward or backwards, the sammy was pretty sideways. it took a bit to scoot the sammy over far enough to get the bumper unwedged, but we were finally able to back up and over the ledge (putting us more sideways :eek: ). once we cleared the ledge, we were able to take a new line and get up the trail. we decided to head home after that, since the sammy takes so long to drive home. overall, great trip. lots of fun!

so, to start out the pics, here's one to jog your memory of what she used to look like.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
Nice pictures. What springs are those? My buddy sprung his sammi over, and he doesn't get flex like that.


Registered User
DevinB said:
Nice pictures. What springs are those? My buddy sprung his sammi over, and he doesn't get flex like that.
they are YJ springs..but they still arent flexing as good as i'm told they should


big, blue, & beautiful
Greg said:
Wow... Sprung over! Looks great, how'd it work?

it worked pretty well. like Doug said, not as flexy as we'd hoped, but it's amazing the things it could do. it's kind of strange driving over things and not hearing the skid plate scrape. :rofl: :suka:
TigerStripe40 said:
Ehh. With your family, you might regret a samurai.
mod the snot out of your montero.
Or get yourself a 60 series land cruiser.


Ya I considered modifying the montero sport but it costs way too much. I dont really want to lift it either cause its our family car. I would be happy with some beefed up skids, rock sliders, and dif lockers. Trails like Poison Spider are plenty of fun for the family. It was a challenge getting the sport up Poison Spider and we all had fun doing it.

The ranger does not haul the family either. A Sammi with a rear seat we could thorugh in a small cooler and do day trips as a family too. Or leave the kids behind and go have some real fun. With the Ranger there is just no room for everyone. Figured I might as well sell the ranger and get a sammi. Then keep the Montero Sport as is, till I get the $$$ for mods for it.