new twist to the shooting

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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I wish he'd have been killed in Bosnia.

Other than that I could give a rat's ass. Am I supposed to feel sorry for him because of that? Maybe understand why he did it?

I used to climb with a kid from a "war area" in Bosnia. Soldiers killed his sister, mother, and 2 of his brothers. He didn't shoot up the local mall.



4x4 Addict!
I work with a Bosnian refugee. Nicest guy you ever met. We don't need to give them a hard time over this they have been through enough.


Push to the Peak
am I my brothers keeper?

how long do our borders stay open? how long do we continue to be the police (and hence bad guys) to the world? How much more property tax, sales tax, income tax can I bear to support all of this?


formerly "rckcrlr"
nobody knows but him. obviously takes a messed up individual.
i don't feel bad for him, but i do feel bad for his family.

You pop in and the strangest times;)

Doesn't matter what has happened to him, or what he has been through, he owns his actions! He knew killing was wrong, he killed. I have sympathy for all the families involved, but not for the shooter.

There are 1000's of Eastern European refugees in SLC, they aren't shooting people....


Giver of bad advice
I'm still not sure what to make of this. No matter his reasons, ethnicity, religion or whatever. The fact is, he committed a cowardly act by shooting innicent unarmed people.

I've known people from many war-torn areas and yes, they have problems. But they are dealing with them. Besides, this kid and his family have been in this country since 1998. He dropped out of school at 16. That he was withdrawn (his neighbors practically NEVER saw him!!!) and a dropout tell me a lot that he was disturbed. I know his parents must be in a lot of pain, but they have to have known he had some problems. Did they have him counseling? Treated for anything? Or had he found some refuge with other Muslims and became racicalized? Too damn many questions.

And, did anyone else pick up that he has the same first name as John Walker Lind (our own American Taliban) chose for himself?


formerly known as PokeyYJ
Bountiful, UT
how long do our borders stay open?

You HAVE to be kidding me!!

I guess you can justify this reasoning because never in our history as a country have immigrants come to the U.S.A. in mass quantities.... :rolleyes:

America is great because we are a cultural melting pot, with hundreds ot thousands of people from all around the world. Just because one asshole goes and shoots some people is no reason to call for closing the boarders!


Vanilla Gorilla
You HAVE to be kidding me!!

I guess you can justify this reasoning because never in our history as a country have immigrants come to the U.S.A. in mass quantities.... :rolleyes:

America is great because we are a cultural melting pot, with hundreds ot thousands of people from all around the world. Just because one asshole goes and shoots some people is no reason to call for closing the boarders!
Illegal immigration is one of the biggest problems out society faces today...face it, the borders need to be closed.


Registered User
Arm Utah
I agree, illegal immigration is a problem, but this guy was a legal immigrant.

The guy was a coward and did heinously cowardly thing. No one will remember his name, just that in his weakest moment, he failed himself and everone and took the cowardly way out of life.

My heart and prayers go out to all the victims and everyone who knew them. I feel bad for the killers family and wish them the best. But this jerk off of a kid deserves nothing.


no user title
Illegal immigration is one of the biggest problems out society faces today...face it, the borders need to be closed.

I wonder who will get the contract to sand-blast the inscription on the Statue of Liberty?

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.


I think people are just trying to find a way to justify this kids horrific act, but I do not think it is explainable.

I feel bad for him because at some point in his life something went terribly wrong. I do not know how long he contemplated an act like this, or if it was spur of the moment, but I can't even imagine entertaining a thought process like he must have had. He needed help/ love/ etc., and he obviously did not have the support required to keep him from going off the edge.

I am not saying his family is at fault because he probably kept it bottled up inside and never let anyone know. People who knew him would probably never have expected anything.......

My heart goes out to all persons involved. Their lives will be changed forever.


Push to the Peak
My comment was not based on a single crazed 18 year old shooter, it's a general statement. The shooter MAY only be a microscopically small symptom of a much larger problem.

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Hopefully my statement reflects a burning moral question for each of us (“Am I my brothers keeper”). And yet what are the realties of what once brought strength of diversity to America (at the time of Ellis Island), and what might now be simply diluting limited resources and causing an overall decline our society as a whole?

Is and should our “Statue of Liberty” invitation still be valid? Will it ultimately be the downfall of our society?

My take … the downfall is coming quickly and this is only one (but a fairly major one) of several causes.

You HAVE to be kidding me!!

I guess you can justify this reasoning because never in our history as a country have immigrants come to the U.S.A. in mass quantities.... :rolleyes:

America is great because we are a cultural melting pot, with hundreds ot thousands of people from all around the world. Just because one asshole goes and shoots some people is no reason to call for closing the boarders!


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I think ignorance is going to be our downfall. That and our desire to point the finger outside of our own borders to find the problem.

The fact that he's from Bosnia doesn't have anything to do with the shooting. People are just stretching to find some explanation.

I went to school with dozens of Bosnian refugees, and I've worked with a handful of others. They aren't any more prone to killing than you or I.

Something set this kid off--whether it was some social issue or some physio-phsycho issue. he had a problem and it wasn't being from a different country.

Mead, WA
I wish he'd have been killed in Bosnia.

Other than that I could give a rat's ass. Am I supposed to feel sorry for him because of that? Maybe understand why he did it?

I used to climb with a kid from a "war area" in Bosnia. Soldiers killed his sister, mother, and 2 of his brothers. He didn't shoot up the local mall.


No ship!!:mad2:


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I think people are just trying to find a way to justify this kids horrific act, but I do not think it is explainable.

I feel bad for him because at some point in his life something went terribly wrong. I do not know how long he contemplated an act like this, or if it was spur of the moment, but I can't even imagine entertaining a thought process like he must have had. He needed help/ love/ etc., and he obviously did not have the support required to keep him from going off the edge.

I am not saying his family is at fault because he probably kept it bottled up inside and never let anyone know. People who knew him would probably never have expected anything.......

My heart goes out to all persons involved. Their lives will be changed forever.

I thought of you when I heard about that crap going down. Best of luck and I hope you guys can be safe. For all the crap you guys get you do a great job and I hope people realize from the cop from Ogden what kind of people most of you are.


Mesquite, Nv
I dont know any Bosnians, but why does everybody get bent when ya bring this up? Are we supposed to ignore the fact that he could be another crazy muslim, or do we try not to offend the millions of Bosnian muslims that didnt shoot up the place and say oh he was just a messed up kid. Maybe he is a fanatic and did it for the virgins. Just my opinion:D
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