New World Order


By endurance we conquer
History and economics is fake. The past never happened. So your knowledge is of something that doesn't exist like light and matter.

I would vote for choice c) cornbread (one of the most hilarious things I have ever read:)). Even though That isn't an option in my section of the new countries I would either move or do a write in because that would bring us out of the horrible lives we have in the U.S.A.


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Supporting Member
History and economics is fake. The past never happened. So your knowledge is of something that doesn't exist like light and matter.

I would vote for choice c) cornbread (one of the most hilarious things I have ever read:)). Even though That isn't an option in my section of the new countries I would either move or do a write in because that would bring us out of the horrible lives we have in the U.S.A.

ha ha, ya. It's so miserable here...except for cornbread. mmmmmmm...cornbread....

Shane, I think we need a "bigfoot in '12" political banner made. Maybe one for Cornbread too.
LOL ok so after all that I feel better about the so called "New World Order" but while we're on the subject, "somewhat"

Whats your views on population growth? How long do you think we can keep doubling our numbers without impact? I really like this stuff, not sure why, just grabs me for some reason, Probably cuz I'm an Atheist Anarchist:eek: who also knows history a little, but the history I know ended about 10,000 years ago during the agricultural revolution, or as some see it, "The Fall" of Adam

It was one culture that decided to lock up food and force all there neighbors to do the same be destroyed. Thats right, just one, and now that culture is about 99.9% of the Human population

What happens when one culture has an unlimited supply of food and warriors? They write history the way they think it should be written and kill all who oppose them.

I'm interested in a society that works, not one that is hell bent on ruling the world and eventually becoming "Godlike"

With that state of mind, why would anybody care about the environment if God will just come down and repair it or destroy it as he wishes. Why would he want to be such a control freak?

ok let's here it...


I'm addicted
Herriman, UT
This. Thread. Delivers.

And from the looks of it (and thanks to WoodenSpooner) it will continue.

Oh and Cody, you forgot to close one of your parenthesis in your novel ;)
Zombies for the other 0.1% of the human population?

There are many Tribal groups still surviving all over Earth, sadly there numbers have dwindled emensley since 10,000 years ago.


That simple, because we are tought since birth to listen to song of Mother Culture that tells us what's good and evil.

Nudity-not evil
Sex-not evil

Controlling food-evil
Killing for the good of a diety-EVIL EVIL EVIL
Living in a dream where everything will be ok as long as we do what we're told- JUST PLAIN STUPID

It's funny cuz I was excited for Obama's CHANGE:rolleyes: But he didn't really change a damn thing, he's just a good public speaker and nothing more, what an asshat:greg:
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We think that this is the ONLY way to live on earth, yet it's not working.

Humans have been around for Millions of years, and thats way before religion entered there lives.

The aboriginees of Australia can trace there lineage back to over 65,000 years. Hmmm...thats funny, I don't think the people that have traced theirs back to Adam have gone that many years back.

Obviously there are some mistranslations that we have yet to correct concerning the Bible. So if it can't be proven in 10,000 years I say we try something new.

Tribal peoples have laws but not stupid ones like we have nowadays. Their laws actually helped them to evolve. WAR did not exist until people lost free will and had to fight for it. Yes people fought, but not to take over and kill there enemies, they fought simply to show their neighbors that they were not weak, so as to be viewed as people not to be messes with. Tribal laws were like this,

-You may fight, but you may not extinguish a culture.
-You may hunt, but you may not extinct a species.

our culture thinks that god will just keep putting more Natural Resources in our Earth simply so humans can rule.


The world was created for ALL LIVING ORGANISMS, (not just humans) If humans continue to think we own the world or believe that the world is here at our disposal, then sadly, I don't see us making it another 1000 years, or even 100 years at the rate were going.

WOW, people survived for millions of years without over-populating the Earth. Yet since our culture was born we have completely stripped our Earth of almost all its resources

It's takes less and less time to double our population. From 1700-1900, we doubled,
From 1900-1960, we doubled, from 1960-1996, yup, doubled again. WHAT THE F*** ARE WE THINKING.

The a
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Tin Foil Hat Equipped
LOL ok so after all that I feel better about the so called "New World Order" but while we're on the subject, "somewhat"

Whats your views on population growth? How long do you think we can keep doubling our numbers without impact? I really like this stuff, not sure why, just grabs me for some reason, Probably cuz I'm an Atheist Anarchist:eek: who also knows history a little, but the history I know ended about 10,000 years ago during the agricultural revolution, or as some see it, "The Fall" of Adam

It was one culture that decided to lock up food and force all there neighbors to do the same be destroyed. Thats right, just one, and now that culture is about 99.9% of the Human population

What happens when one culture has an unlimited supply of food and warriors? They write history the way they think it should be written and kill all who oppose them.

I'm interested in a society that works, not one that is hell bent on ruling the world and eventually becoming "Godlike"

With that state of mind, why would anybody care about the environment if God will just come down and repair it or destroy it as he wishes. Why would he want to be such a control freak?

ok let's here it...

Over population is just a cleaver scheme to control the current population, similar to global warming or ethanol. The finger is pointed at you, you are destroying the world, of course nobody wants to be accused of destroying the world so they go along with whatever crazy idea they come up with. For those claiming to be atheist I find it kind of ironic that they have a problem with population because of the survival of the fittest thing.


By endurance we conquer
over population is the biggest problem for the resources on earth.

I think it is funny that you lump all people who believe in God into the same mold. They are all dumb, they are all sheep, they all kill in his name, blah blah blah.
The answer so easy it's retared, take this ex.

Put 10 mice in a cage, give them 500grams of food everyday. If they don't eat it all, take it out and put in 500g the next day and so on..... Eventually there WILL be enough mice to eat all the food. Right?

Ok let's say 500g of food will feed 500 mice. Now we add 100g so we put in 600g everyday and if it is not eaten we remove it and do it again the next day, It would take only weeks or even days for the mice population to reach 600.

Ok we don't want more that 600 mice, so we just stick with this for a while. Magically, the mouse population only varies ever so slightely from 590-610 mice. Crazy huh? not really, makes perfect sense to me.

Ok now we need to lower our population WITHOUT famine. So we take it a week at a time and each week we lessen the food by about 5g. Amazingly, the mice do not starve, but they are definalely having less babies and therefore the death rate outruns the birth rate and the population begins to drop WITHOUT famine or starvation.

back to my newsflash, IT WORKS THE SAME FOR ALL SPECIES. We cannot expand without more food.

So if we put just enough food for the number of people to survive in each city, the city stops expanding. not instantly but over time IT WILL WORK

Now I understand this goes against our cultures morals and beliefs but if it works, does it really matter?

By the way, when you donate food or money for food about Africa, You feed the hungry people and then they go make MORE STARVING BABIES. Then we throw condoms and birth control pills at them and say use these, but amazingly, as I stated earlier, humans are not going to stop making babies just as mice or lions or flies, or whatever are NOT going to stop making babies

Babies come from ONE thing FOOD, you can get pregnant without food but you cannot grow a baby with it.
Over population is just a cleaver scheme to control the current population, similar to global warming or ethanol. The finger is pointed at you, you are destroying the world, of course nobody wants to be accused of destroying the world so they go along with whatever crazy idea they come up with. For those claiming to be atheist I find it kind of ironic that they have a problem with population because of the survival of the fittest thing.

I urge you to do some research, LOOK AT THE HISTORY, wars breakout because people are crowded, beaten down and the fact that our culture consists of 3 categories.

The wealthy and the powerful
Those just below them that are ok with things
Then the MASSES

And you can give your republican speeches about how people who work harder get more, BULLSHIT!!!!!

I can work my ass off for the rest of my life and never be the king of England. We let GOD decide who is to be king by divine birth right.

Sorry got off track but I'll get back:D


Formerly Beardy McGee
WOW, people survived for millions of years without over-populating the Earth. Yet since our culture was born we have completely stripped our Earth of almost all its resources

It's takes less and less time to double our population. From 1700-1900, we doubled,
From 1900-1960, we doubled, from 1960-1996, yup, doubled again. WHAT THE F*** ARE WE THINKING.

Technology. Technology is our culture.

The advancement in damn near everything in the last 100 years is to blame for humans living longer, better quality of life (easier with advancements in technology), fossil fuel consumption increases, etc...

I suppose you can undo overpopulation if you could somehow degenerate current technology. But that's not gonna happen.

That, and people just love the sex... Look at the rampage of aides in places like Africa in the past. People love the sex. Sex creates babies. Babies create headaches. Headaches agitate folks. Folks get all bummed on life and angry. Anger builds and then they go to war.

Babies = War
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over population is the biggest problem for the resources on earth.

I think it is funny that you lump all people who believe in God into the same mold. They are all dumb, they are all sheep, they all kill in his name, blah blah blah.

You are right, I apoligize for that, I didn't realize at the time. It is most definately not JUST those who believe in god. Thats just the way I see it sometimes because I feel that god gives a false sense of hope that people desperatly want, Hell I want it too. I just can't get myself to go along with it.

I will change my approach from this point forward;)

I'm not trying to say that I am better than anyone, I am at fault as much as anybody is. I feel kinda dumb for saying that now.
Technology. Technology is our culture.

The advancement in damn near everything in the last 100 years is to blame for humans living longer, better quality of life (easier with advancements in technology), fossil fuel consumption increases, etc...

I suppose you can undo overpopulation if you could somehow degenerate current technology. But that's not gonna happen.

That, and people just love the sex... Look at the rampage of aides in places like Africa in the past. People love the sex. Sex creates babies. Babies create headaches. Headaches agitate folks. Folks get all bummed on life and angry. Anger builds and then they go to war.

Babies = War

But humans survived for millions of years up until we decided to change things, now I feel we should shoot for another change, I'm not saying go back to living in the bush and hunting with arrows and spears. I'm just saying we should take the things that we can learn from them and try to integrate a little of that into all the technology we have.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
We think that this is the ONLY way to live on earth, yet it's not working.
Seems to be working for me... :rofl:
Humans have been around for Millions of years, and thats way before God entered there lives.

The aboriginees of Australia can trace there lineage back to over 65,000 years. Hmmm...thats funny, I don't think the people that have traced theirs back to Adam have gone that many years back.

Obviously there are some mistranslations that we have yet to correct concerning the Bible. So if it can't be proven in 10,000 years I say we try something new.
Seems like a throw the baby out with the bath water scenario to me. If a belief whether secular, cultural or personal leads people to do good things wouldn't you want to let them believe that? If I had a neighbor that believed in the flying spaghetti monster and thought it was his religion to do whatever he could to help me or whatever you think religion should be doing (help fellow man, live honest life, etc) then wouldn't you want him to believe in it? I'm not going to believe in the FSM and make it quite clear but I don't really care what he believes when he helps me out.

Tribal peoples have laws but not stupid ones like we have nowadays. Their laws actually helped them to evolve. WAR did not exist until people lost free will and had to fight for it. Yes people fought, but not to take over and kill there enemies, they fought simply to show their neighbors that they were not weak, so as to be viewed as people not to be messes with. Tribal laws were like this,

-You may fight, but you may not extinguish a culture.
-You may hunt, but you may not extinct a species.

our culture thinks that god will just keep putting more Natural Resources in our Earth simply so humans can rule.
Really? You actually think species didn't go extinct with tribal peoples? You actually think tribes thought "let's keep around some of the enemy sure we slaughtered half of them but they won't hold it against us"? That bear might have been eating all our sheep but bears are good to have around to control the chupacabra population so we'll leave a few around. The only limit on tribal populations is how many resources they wanted to expend.

If diversity is good then why aren't we introducing small pox or polio to populations?


The world was created for ALL LIVING ORGANISMS, (not just humans) If humans continue to think we own the world or believe that the world is here at our disposal, then sadly, I don't see us making it another 1000 years, or even 100 years at the rate were going.

WOW, people survived for millions of years without over-populating the Earth. Yet since our culture was born we have completely stripped our Earth of almost all its resources

It's takes less and less time to double our population. From 1700-1900, we doubled,
From 1900-1960, we doubled, from 1960-1996, yup, doubled again. WHAT THE F*** ARE WE THINKING.

The a

Back to we are the problem, sorry don't believe it. If my options are living in a mud hut and scraping to live by or dealing with the media guilt trip and living like I am because I'm stripping the earth of resources then I'll take option B. I would dare say because of the population growth we are living better than we have ever lived. People come up with ideas/inventions/tools/etc and the more people you have the more resourceful they are. Shortage of oil in the future? You better believe we aren't going back to the mud hut to live, someone will come up with something and progress will continue.


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I urge you to do some research, LOOK AT THE HISTORY, wars breakout because people are crowded, beaten down and the fact that our culture consists of 3 categories.

The wealthy and the powerful
Those just below them that are ok with things
Then the MASSES

And you can give your republican speeches about how people who work harder get more, BULLSHIT!!!!!

I can work my ass off for the rest of my life and never be the king of England. We let GOD decide who is to be king by divine birth right.

Sorry got off track but I'll get back:D

I would dare say you are living better than the King of England 200 years ago. So the question becomes are you happy with more now or less but a larger percentage back then?