Outdoor Video Security Camera


Active Member
Heber City
Does anyone use an outdoor camera set up to record your porch or front yard? I would like to have one that is motion activated and wireless.

I like this option: //www.amazon.com/dp/B00W660JO8/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=YDNE2NL0X3DT&coliid=I10THAC1H2K3C7&psc=1

But I am curious what other people are using. I don't mind the video being stored at on off site server because these will be only outside recordings.

What has made me turn to this option is I have a punk neighbor that is dating another neighbor down the street and the other day he was yelling at my dogs for barking at him, thats fine he just looked quite unintelligent yelling louder then my dogs were barking. This morning I saw him hitting one of my dogs over the fence. I saw this and ran outside and yelled at him, I told him that if he ever hit my dog again I would be calling the cop.

He calmed down rather quickly apologized and explained that it is annoying that my dogs bark at him. (They only bark when people are walking by, they do not bark constantly all day. We live on a fairly quiet street.) I told him they are dogs, they bark and we will try a bark collar for his sake. No other neighbors have ever complained in fact, in his son walks down and pets the dogs over the fence just about everyday.