Provo's conservative areas

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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
Oh there it is.

It was a joke, thus the conveniently placed winking emoticon at the end of my statement.

My point is if someone is an asshole to you, it's not because they are "conservative, liberal, LDS, or Californian", it's because they are personally an asshole. So if categorizing people is your shtick, then make a category for assholes.

I just have a hard time believing anyone can align with every value and position of a "liberal" or "conservative" ideology. Just seems like every situation should be judged independently and there is no way to do that if you categorically support one side for everything. To me, that's like saying "I don't have the time to understand what is going on, so I'm just going to go along with what "insert favorite politician" says and then point fingers at someone else if they disagree". But, maybe some people need that framework and to have issues sold to them in terms that resonate with their personal core values. I just prefer to make up my own opinion about issues and I judge everybody the same way---less correct than me ;)


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
East Stabbington
Bad as in low income high crime, or bad as in liberal for a conservative state?

Low income high crime would, for the most part, Rose Park, Glendale, West Valley, Magna, Kearns, S. Salt Lake. There are nice sections of those areas as well though.

More liberal: Marmalade district, Downtown SLC, Liberty Park Area, 9th and 9th area, Sugarhouse area, Moab, Park City, etc.


Who Dares Wins
So ware are some bad ares that I can check out when I'm out there. I need to see the good and bad to get a better picture of things.

Really? You are putting way too much effort into this, "I have to find the perfect location." I hate to break it to you, but there is no such thing. Best you can hope for is to find a neighborhood that very loosely fits your hopes and dreams, move in and make a go of it. You can knock on every door for a 10 mile radius and everyone can seem nice and friendly but you'll never know that the guy next door did hard time or that the little lady across the street mixes ecstasy into the candy she gives out at Halloween and that the two 'sisters' down the way are hardcore Obama supporting lesbians.
As for the ludicrous desire to find an area that shares your family values, unfortunately thats all on you. Thats why they call them family values, not societal values. Doesn't matter if you raise your kids in Eden, Utah or the heart of Compton, California. One day your kid will be confronted with the option of alcohol/drugs/sex/crime/ect and it will be the values that you, the parent, instilled in them that guide their decision. Sure, society plays a role, but what they learned from their family will be paramount.
So come on out and move to Utah. I promise you that if you are having such a hard time with where you live right now, you will likely have very similar problems with where ever you end up here. Best you can hope for is to learn to overlook those little things and make the best of it. Raise your children the way you want them to be raised and damn everyone else.


North Ogden, UT
A couple of month ago I posted best places to live in the Provo orem ares.
My family and I came out and looked around and we loved it. I will be out again around the first of the month. I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on white areas. one of our main reasons for moving from California is all the blacks and there belief's and the lack of family values. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanks chad
I reworded this to highlight your hate just in case you can't see it.

I've called no one an idiot. I only called out somebody who is looking for advise on an area with good family values, I don't care who they are just so long as they're not _________.

I've called you on your hate and you're too blind to even see your problem. I can only hope you don't raise your kids to be as hateful as you are.

Like GOAT said,
i totally support anyones decision to move where they perceive a better life awaits them......i just couldn't get my hands around the liberals are bad for kids statement.

I'll sit the rest of this one out.



It's just one term!
To clarify, I wasn't specifically commenting toward you... my post was in general and pointed in every direction. ;) The funny thing is that most people are (I'm willing to bet) middle of the grid type people. But the amount of misinformation about each side pushes and pulls people until things start getting more and more polarized.

Just think about how many half-truths and mis-information there is out there about people who "off-road". I bet most off-roaders, hikers, mtn bikers would get along a lot better if there were not (profiteering) organizations out there directly polarizing the issues.

Very well said.
That's the "GAME" they (we, whoever,)have been playing on US for atleast my lifetime.
Divided we fall. That's what there trying to do.:spork: :mad:

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
To clarify, I wasn't specifically commenting toward you... my post was in general and pointed in every direction. ;) The funny thing is that most people are (I'm willing to bet) middle of the grid type people. But the amount of misinformation about each side pushes and pulls people until things start getting more and more polarized.

Just think about how many half-truths and mis-information there is out there about people who "off-road". I bet most off-roaders, hikers, mtn bikers would get along a lot better if there were not (profiteering) organizations out there directly polarizing the issues.

This is good stuff. I was thinking the same thing about SUWA while reading through this. I certainly don't agree with 100% of everything one party or group believes but do align with groups I agree mostly with. It is this way with many, many organizations I do or have supported. I think most of you are this way too. But I may be silly to make any assumptions.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
I grew up in Newark, NJ: murder capital pf the US. I was the only white kid and most people around were 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients. My mom didn't want me going to public schools in Newark so she sent me to parochial schools where I was taught by women in black.

I'll be honest, I grew up hating black people. When you get shot at, stabbed, ambushed by entire groups and you're only crime is apparently being white.... and you're not mature enough to think outside the DMZ it's easy to respond with race-based hatred yourself. As an adult, I decided that the hatred of my childhood would not consume my future so I left it all in the ghetto.

Do I think Liberals are bad for kids? Maybe. Many teachers in public schools are liberal union workers that are hired by the gov'ment so kids are exposed to that agenda. I personally wouldn't send my kids to public schools... just saying.

My motive for being here is what made the west: opportunities that didn't exist back east.

Liberals measure compassion by how many people are helped by gov'ment programs, Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need them.


Orangevale Ca
I reworded this to highlight your hate just in case you can't see it.

I've called no one an idiot. I only called out somebody who is looking for advise on an area with good family values, I don't care who they are just so long as they're not _________.

I've called you on your hate and you're too blind to even see your problem. I can only hope you don't raise your kids to be as hateful as you are.

Like GOAT said,

I'll sit the rest of this one out.

Well it looks like I'm a racist . I Need to go commit some hate crimes I have lots of lost time to make up for.
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Active Member
I just looked at were your from, my little Brother lives in Orangevale between Madison and Greenback. And knowing that you could live anywhere out here and be 1000x better off than were you are now. LOL


Orangevale Ca
I just looked at were your from, my little Brother lives in Orangevale between Madison and Greenback. And knowing that you could live anywhere out here and be 1000x better off than were you are now. LOL
He could be my neighbor I'm a little closer to the Madison side. I live just down from most of the rockzombies
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Active Member
I grew up in Newark, NJ: murder capital pf the US. I was the only white kid and most people around were 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients. My mom didn't want me going to public schools in Newark so she sent me to parochial schools where I was taught by women in black.

I'll be honest, I grew up hating black people. When you get shot at, stabbed, ambushed by entire groups and you're only crime is apparently being white.... and you're not mature enough to think outside the DMZ it's easy to respond with race-based hatred yourself. As an adult, I decided that the hatred of my childhood would not consume my future so I left it all in the ghetto.

Do I think Liberals are bad for kids? Maybe. Many teachers in public schools are liberal union workers that are hired by the gov'ment so kids are exposed to that agenda. I personally wouldn't send my kids to public schools... just saying.

My motive for being here is what made the west: opportunities that didn't exist back east.

Liberals measure compassion by how many people are helped by gov'ment programs, Conservatives measure compassion by how many people no longer need them.

perfectly said. I got so tired of teachers shoving agendas down my throat it made me vomit. I paid good money in college only to hear most professors preach a liberal agenda and bash the local LDS and Conservatives in cynical tone.
I lived in Africa and New Orleans, never been racist. Speak Swahili. But I sure as hell am ethnically biased.

If your not a liberal in adolescence you may lack a heart, but if you're not a conservative by adulthood, you surely lack a brain.


hey Unionmine, are you, or are you not LDS?? (I ask because if you are, my story may be of worth to you, as I came from out of state, but if you're not, it may not be so much because I personally like where I'm at largely due to the LDS activity in the area.) ....if that makes sense.....


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Go to the local grocery store and look around at the other customers. If there are a lot of dudes in their 30's and 40's with frosted hair and popped collars, it's not the neighborhood for you. If the women in their 30's and 40's have "Juicy" stitched on accross the butt of their stretch pants... it's not the neighborhood for you.

Liberals are like locusts; they destroy and move on.... unfortunately, I don't think the seagulls can save UT this time.

you cant possibly believe this?

If you’re looking for a better place for your family then do it man, but do it with an open mind and the fact that life always changes and boys get girls pregnant no matter where you live

well said

I've told you several times, it's not what you thought it was... :p

is that why your house always smells like ammonia?

Because most people are too afraid to stand alone on a subject--they need the validation of a peer group to feel secure. They have to categorize and label themselves and others into nice tidy groups so they can efficiently identify who is "with them" or "against them".

I personally have some very liberal stances on subjects and very conservative on others. How anyone can categorically align with a pre-determined set of beliefs is a mystery to me--especially since those beliefs come from the top down and are often assigned to the highest bidder in our political system.


I didn't say that we didn't have close minded repubs here. Just being a prick back to everyone that has called those us who are traditional america, small government loving, constitution supporting, God respecting people; close minded without individual thought, bigots. I get so sick of liberals not realizing they have just as many close minded sheep on their side of the fence. And with most media outlets in the hands of liberal production those numbers are growing as a natural result. Liberalism isn't the cool anti establishment, intellectually chic philosophy anymore, it's now the norm.

the first thing i think of when i hear "general electric" is liberal media outlet:rolleyes: "liberalism" has been co opted and neutered to reduce it to an oberman-esque monologue.

So ware are some bad ares that I can check out when I'm out there. I need to see the good and bad to get a better picture of things.

here's a tip, educate yourself work hard and increase your income. Albuquerque was a notorious shithole in the late 90s early 2000s and I lived in an area that was absolutely devoid of crime. pay to play.

R the little lady across the street mixes ecstasy into the candy she gives out at Halloween

now we're talking:cool:

perfectly said. I got so tired of teachers shoving agendas down my throat it made me vomit. I paid good money in college only to hear most professors preach a liberal agenda and bash the local LDS and Conservatives in cynical tone.
I lived in Africa and New Orleans, never been racist. Speak Swahili. But I sure as hell am ethnically biased.

If your not a liberal in adolescence you may lack a heart, but if you're not a conservative by adulthood, you surely lack a brain.

.....and if you're a college educated adult and still making statements like this, it may be time to rethink your existence.
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Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Do I think Liberals are bad for kids? Maybe. Many teachers in public schools are liberal union workers that are hired by the gov'ment so kids are exposed to that agenda. I personally wouldn't send my kids to public schools... just saying.

jenn's head would explode here. FYI, teachers unions in utah suck balls.


Orangevale Ca
hey Unionmine, are you, or are you not LDS?? (I ask because if you are, my story may be of worth to you, as I came from out of state, but if you're not, it may not be so much because I personally like where I'm at largely due to the LDS activity in the area.) ....if that makes sense.....
No im not LDS. But I have been looking in to the church and There is a lot that I like.
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