Rally at the Capital

But we are not using this rally to affect current bills, speaking mainly of HB 283. If you want to bring a sign saying, "HANG RENEGADE OHV RIDERS" then do it.

Interesting idea. If we were able to hang renegade OHV users, it would be the end to our access problems. When there's no longer any reason for closures, there won't be any closures. Then the "renegade land managers" we hear about can be exposed.

But we believe that while we have a few differences in HOW to get the job done...

An apparent policy by the "professional orgs" of ignoring and refusing to publicly acknowledge irresponsible motorized recreation as a primary threat to access has not served the community well so far. I suggest that it is time to try some different tactics instead of maintaining the status quo.

Irresponsible use is a serious problem. You've made some comments in support of this issue, but where is USA-ALL's action? Where does USA-ALL stand officially on this issue? Put as much effort into education, enforcement and proactive solutions as is being put into lobbying.

A public hoopla from USA-ALL opposing increased penalties is going to be a huge PR loss for the OHV community. The enemies of motorized recreation know this, and are relying on this response. Let's not give it to them.

We WILL discuss the importance of R.S. 2477 and a bill in Washington that we strongly believe would resolve such right of way claims. We will question why NONE of Utah's congressional delegation has supported the bill, we will ask Washington County Commissioners to make good on their promise to go after the Sawmill road...



Lobbyist \ Consultant
A public hoopla from USA-ALL opposing increased penalties is going to be a huge PR loss for the OHV community. The enemies of motorized recreation know this, and are relying on this response. Let's not give it to them.

To the quote above: That is EXACTLY why we are not addressing legislation at the rally. Also we respect that there are differing opinions on it the subject and we will let the community decide for themselves what they support. We will give people a run down on the bill hopefully Monday and express concerns on a few points. Our position on that bill will have some people pissed no matter what we say.

Again the event can be what ever you want to make it. Bring signs or other things to represent your ideas and positions.

It doesn't take a lot of money for us to do the lobbying, but to do an effective education campaign would. That isn't to say we shouldn't try anyway but it is why you don't see much out of us on land use ethics. Furthermore we need some help putting together and implementing such a campaign. We have had discussion with State Parks and rec, and I sent a letter to the Governor in November on this exact topic. I recieved a response and hope to have a sit down with him on this subject. I believe you will see more education in the coming year out of the state. But as with everything, budgets are low and EVERYTHING seems to take money, so don't expect too much.

I have some good ideas about getting some things done with little money. But it will require the ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT of clubs and orgs in the community. I am cautiously optimistic it will work. We will really begin work on that right after the session ends. We hope to better fulfill our mission to empower user groups. We hope all will participate in this new venture.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Back to the rally. Is everyone meeting at the Capital, or meeting someplace else and caravanning to the Capital? I'm there either way.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I would recomment carpooling if possible. I am sure the parking is going to be pretty tuff around the capital. I have a Tahoe full of people that are part of the Sage Riders M/C, so come by and say hi. It would be nice to put some faces to RME screen names.


sprueitt Dodge T-Rex 6x6
Ill be there, I just work down the street.

About parking....just don't park on the grass, that would send a wrong message..lol :rofl:


Registered User
Can someone answer me a simple question regarding this rally? Do we have anyone of governmental authority "scheduled" to voice our opinions to? Not the hope that we do or that we get a huge group together that all supports our issues but cannot voice them to anyone that can effect change, only to voice them to our own peers? Anyone answer that simple question? Thanks


Lobbyist \ Consultant
Rep. Mike Noel will be there and will speak to us, The governor will be in a meeting in the room above us...we could raise the roof. Other legislators as always will come and listen and a few from the media will come and report on it. I can assure you based on past experience that most legislators will know about it, what was said, and how well it was attended. Trust me it's worth your time.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Here’s some of the info from yesterday’s USA-ALL newsletter

Please join us and hundreds of other Utahans this Friday Feb. 6 from 12:00-1:00 PM for our annual public rally. The event was scheduled for the rotunda but we now believe we may have enough people to move it to a larger location. Come to the capitol building rotunda and we will have signs and people directing you where to go.

Representative Mike Noel, activists Dan Jessop, and Alan Peterson will be speaking to us as well as USA-ALL's own Mike Swenson. We also have invited all the main vehicle recreation organizations to distribute info and material on a table. Come check it out and support the coalition of user groups that work hard for you.

The purpose of the rally is to bring together those who care about the management of public land here in Utah. We want to send a message to elected officials that we are a large block of voters who care about these issues. We will be gathering to encourage support of a legislative solution to resolve Rights of Way across public land (R.S. 2477). We will also be asking Utah's congressional delegation to support this legislation. They have yet to do so. We will also be asking Washington County Commissioners to assert their claim of ownership and go after the re-opening of the Cannan Mountain Sawmill road.

Please bring signs and other items with you that represent your interest on ANY land use issue. Bring your friends neighbors, family, scout troop or anyone who you can. We hope to see all of you there.


somewhat damaged
I'm still planning on being there. Anybody who can get away on their lunch break should come up, even if for a little while. Might as well.


nothing to see here...
Payson, Utah
Alright suckas... Kurt (cruiseroutfit) and I will see ya'll there! Should be a great turnout, especially with all the dirtbike and 4wheeler folks present as well.


Formerly Beardy McGee
There was a massive turn out. Even Karl Malone stopped in to weigh in on stuff. Although, i have no idea what he was muttering.

I'll post a few pics when i get them off my camera.
