Recommended Virus Scanner (Online)?


Sandy, Ut
AVG picked up a couple, but not the one that seems to be killing me. I found another one called PC Tools Spyware Doctor that ran a free check, it found it but wants me to buy the subscription to kill them ($30). Worth doing or am I best off just getting my info off the computer and flushing the system?


AVG picked up a couple, but not the one that seems to be killing me. I found another one called PC Tools Spyware Doctor that ran a free check, it found it but wants me to buy the subscription to kill them ($30). Worth doing or am I best off just getting my info off the computer and flushing the system?

From the way it sounds, you're computer got some serious issues going from all of this. If it were me, I'd save what I can and format it, it's the only way you can be sure it's clean.

Mead, WA
AVG picked up a couple, but not the one that seems to be killing me. I found another one called PC Tools Spyware Doctor that ran a free check, it found it but wants me to buy the subscription to kill them ($30). Worth doing or am I best off just getting my info off the computer and flushing the system?

Did you download and install AVG or do a online scan?

If online, I'd download and install the full program and do the scan again. I'd keep runing the scan until it found nothing.

If that didn't work, then I'd uninstall it and reinstall the free version of McAfee from that Comcast link. Again, run the program until it doesn't find anything.

Sometimes it takes a few times before it finds and removes everything. Some viruses use other programs to mask them and once the other virus is gone, it can find another virus.

To me, wiping an OS is the last resort. If your computer is anything like mine, I have a lot of business apps and etc. on here that are a pain in the butt to get back up to use on that business day when talking to customers. So I'd do what ever it took with free software.

You can also try a program called Crap Checker/Killer. Not sure how it would work with viruses, but it's another good free program.


Sandy, Ut
From the way it sounds, you're computer got some serious issues going from all of this. If it were me, I'd save what I can and format it, it's the only way you can be sure it's clean.

To be honest I don't even know how to format it and then I would have to source all the software thats on it now (nothing major, Office, etc) to reinstall.

Blasted computers...


Sandy, Ut
Did you download and install AVG or do a online scan?...

I downloaded the full version. It found a handful of other threats, but not like PC Tools apparently.

Thankfully most of my work stuff is mirrored on two computers, while the other desktop is not up to date I have all of my current files on a USB drive so it wouldn't take much to bring it back to speed. I just hate the idea of going through all the work when a simple $40 subscription would have fixed the problem. Would I have to reload XP if I do a wipe too? I'm assuming so, add that to the list of things I would need.


Sandy, Ut
Got a legit copy of windows? The rest of the stuff is easy to procure ;)

Probably not, the last 3 computers I bought were used and came pre-loaded with everything. My DELL laptop had/has XP but I can't honestly say for certain I still have all the disks.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Get your computer into "safe mode" then try the virus scan again.

to get into safe mode you have to press F8 right as windows starts to load. Usually I will start pressing F8 every second or sooner while it is still in the bios to try to catch it. Once in safe mode everything will work really slow, but it may catch some virus problems that you can't get normally.

Mead, WA
If PC Tools found it, and only PC Tools, it's most likely their virus ;)

Since you have XP, if you wanted to give me access from here, I could go in and see if I can find the virus and kill it.


Sandy, Ut
Brett, wanna come troubleshoot this crap!

AVG finally caught on to more of the virus'es/spyware, however it locked up my computer before I could have it delete it.


Sandy, Ut
System Restore: Where else might it be located? On my other computers is located in the Start Menu, however its not on the sick desktop. I've tried looking in other system folders but its running so slow some don't seem to ever be fully loading??


Well-Known Member
System Restore: Where else might it be located? On my other computers is located in the Start Menu, however its not on the sick desktop. I've tried looking in other system folders but its running so slow some don't seem to ever be fully loading??
It will be at Program Files -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore

or click on run and paste %SystemRoot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and hit enter.


look what i can do!!
Regardless of what all the monkeys say, and dont get the wrong idea for i dont run an anti virus nor do i care, but i do work at a computer store and see thousands of systems, and hear everyone complain about ALL of them... NOW, baced on CUSTOMER feedback mcafee seems to be most popular. Norton and mcafee seem to do relativly the same job however norton seems to be more of a resourse hog... systems with avg seem to have Alot of problems, however it may be down to the amount of users.

based on what i have seen Mcafee is most liked, however even it does not catch everything... SO, be carefull (QUIT LOOKIN AT PJORN)
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Sandy, Ut
Get your computer into "safe mode" then try the virus scan again.

to get into safe mode you have to press F8 right as windows starts to load. Usually I will start pressing F8 every second or sooner while it is still in the bios to try to catch it. Once in safe mode everything will work really slow, but it may catch some virus problems that you can't get normally.

It actually runs much faster in Safe Mode, compare to the way its been running since the virus took over :D.

AVG is running a scan now, we'll see what it comes up with.
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Sandy, Ut
It will be at Program Files -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore

or click on run and paste %SystemRoot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe and hit enter.


I gave that a try, it would only let me restore back to Sunday evening, the same night the virus nailed me?? It didn't delete and of the virus's that keep popping up on my drive :-\