Redbox review: EDGE OF DARKNESS


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
This one came out today, and stars Mel Gibson, uh.. the guy that's always someone's partner or an agent in every cop movie, and uhmmmm the guy that played the scary main vampire in "30 Days of Night".

Ok, so it starts off a little disjointedly, kind of like, by the numbers disjointed, like someone was just out of film school and had promise. Fine, whatever, kept me off-balance a little. Sentimental home movies, daughter comes home to visit, has something to tell Dad, but first!-- BANG!!! she gets shot on the front steps. What a bummer! maaaan. But who was the target? Dad, the longtime Boston detective? Or Miss Thang, bleeding out in the living room? This stuff is all in the trailer, so cool it. ;)

Anyhoo, a dastardly plot begins to be uncovered, a cover-up, dealings with crooked types, daughter working for a dirty company, a shadowy figure emerges, etc. Much of this is sort of like, uhmmm how shall I put this? UNLIKELY. But listen, I didn't rent this to watch high freakin' art, I wanted to see revenge, and comeuppance, and it delivers in spades. I did have to overlook some pretty ludicrous plot convention, but oh welll-- like I said, this isn't Ingmar Bergman, it's some guy I've never heard of-- who may have shown promise in film school. I'm alright with that. *shrug.

Lots of kind of random bits and pieces of stuff in this, but the action keeps moving, there's some decent dialog, ass-kicking, etc etc etc, and plenty of ludicrous Hollywood baloney. For Swoop69, this one's straight up and nothing weird about it. Lots of gunplay, you'll like this one more, I promise. ;)

I'll give it... 8 Tacoma points for entertainment value and ignore my urge to dock it on plausible content.