Snow removal tool


Well-Known Member


Direct link to .pdf file that my dad created.
A little history on it.
Salt Lake City received over 4 feet of snow during the first 10 days of 1993. On Saturday , Jan. 9th and Sunday , Jan. 10th , Salt Lake City residents were out in mass , shoveling the heavy accumulations of snow from roofs in anticipation of more storms to come. In many cases the danger of falling from slippery roofs proved greater than the risk of having roofs collapse.

By Sunday , fall injuries had flooded emergency rooms. The Salt Lake Tribune warned “ Clearing Snow From Roofs Is Pitched With Dangers.” This snow removal tool is a product of that crisis. It was developed to provide a way for removing roof snow without having to climb on the roof.

Sunday evening , Jan. 10th , KSL Television spotlighted this tool on the 10:00 p.m. news. This newcast was followed up by a news article in the Deseret News on Jan. 12th , which gave brief instructions on how to construct the snow removal tool.

Subsequent articles by the Deseret News during the next few days made the following observations:

“ Impressed by a roof-clearing contraption invented by a local man using PVC pipe , Salt Lake City officials have begun building and lending the devices to residents…”

“ Salt Lake Mayor DeeDee Corradini said..her..staff had made 30 of the snow removers and were planning to make up to 60 more…” “People are starting to make these all over town , “ Corradini said. “ They really do work well. “

“ Thompson didn’t just cast worried glances at his roof. He whipped up a gadget that looked like something from outer space. It cleans a roof lickety-split without the homeowner endangering life and limb by climbing up icy shingles… The invention caused a run on PVC pipe at local home-maintenance stores.”

“ By week’s end stories about how to remove roof snow safely were a staple in all media. A recurrent piece was on how easy it was to use a plastic pipe contraption… Deseret News..followed up on television reports of how a householder created such a device for under $20. “

This roof snow removal tool may take you a couple of hours to build. After you have built it , it may spend years in idle storage. But when you need it , you are really going to need it and so will your neighbors. Share the tool around and help others out. All it takes is a little duct tape and plastic sheeting to make it as good as new and you get to be the hero who was prepared in the time of need.