Someones on our side...


Suddenly Enthusiastic
cruiseroutfit said:

I am personally happy that the Grand County government is taking a stand on this issue... Keeping control of their land local. Hope this is a trend that the local governments will soon follow...
Interesting read. Soun ds like the Grand County government is sick of bending to the will of the green weenies and losing access to their own land because of it. Perhaps the enviros have shot themselves in the foot by trying to impose their views on everyone?


Sandy, Ut
RockMonkey said:
...Perhaps the enviros have shot themselves in the foot by trying to impose their views on everyone?

My thought too... I had heard once (probably from SRN?) that SUWA was losing alot of political ground, all due to exhausting their image, they are turning into a huge commercial venture rather than the "land protectors" they portray themselves as.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
cruiseroutfit said:
My thought too... I had heard once (probably from SRN?) that SUWA was losing alot of political ground, all due to exhausting their image, they are turning into a huge commercial venture rather than the "land protectors" they portray themselves as.
I think people are starting to see Suwa, the Sierra Club, etc for what they really are. I think the extreme groups like ELF and the like are really playing into our hand too.


Sandy, UT
I read that the other day, kinda interesting. According to the article there are no designated Wild and Scenic Rivers in the state. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought I knew of one; I guess it could be only a proposed W&S rather than an actual W&S. Anyways, what sucks is there was a road that provided access to the San Rafael River in this certain spot I am talking about, and now it is closed. Guess why? WSA? Nope. Because the river either is or is proposed W&S. It's crap! There can't be any man made imporvements within so many miles of a W&S river, so the BLM bastards closed the road. Really ticks me off....



4x4 Addict!
EZRhino said:
I read that the other day, kinda interesting. According to the article there are no designated Wild and Scenic Rivers in the state. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought I knew of one; I guess it could be only a proposed W&S rather than an actual W&S. Anyways, what sucks is there was a road that provided access to the San Rafael River in this certain spot I am talking about, and now it is closed. Guess why? WSA? Nope. Because the river either is or is proposed W&S. It's crap! There can't be any man made imporvements within so many miles of a W&S river, so the BLM bastards closed the road. Really ticks me off....


Are you talking about Muddy Creek? About ten years ago the water was high enough and I had a chance to float it in a kayak. It was one of the most amazing trips I have ever been on. I don't think we could of done it with out being able to drive to it.


Sandy, UT
Uh, no.....Muddy Creek is Muddy Creek, San Rafael is the San Rafael. I was talking about the access roads to the Lower Black Box. (And same thing for the Upper Black Box too.) It makes a fun but long hike into a even longer death march because you now have to hike an additional 2 miles uphill in the blazing sun to get back to the cars. Pretty stupid.



Registered User
As I read the article, I got the feeling that the writer was trying to put the county in a bad light. Trying to insinuate that the county is unwilling to cooperate and so forth.


Sandy, Ut
Cory said:
As I read the article, I got the feeling that the writer was trying to put the county in a bad light. Trying to insinuate that the county is unwilling to cooperate and so forth.

Welcome to the Tribune... :D

Floppy Hat

mbryson's hairdresser
Lehi, Ut.
EZRhino said:
I guess it could be only a proposed W&S rather than an actual W&S. Anyways, what sucks is there was a road that provided access to the San Rafael River in this certain spot I am talking about, and now it is closed. Guess why? WSA? Nope. Because the river either is or is proposed W&S. It's crap! There can't be any man made imporvements within so many miles of a W&S river, so the BLM bastards closed the road. Really ticks me off....

You're right, there aren't any W&S rivers in Utah, only "proposed" W&S rivers. It takes an act of congress to create a W&S river (similar to creating a Wilderness Area). The BLM has proposed a few rivers in the state and in order to make their proposals work they've had to close roads and make other changes in order for the rivers to qualify. Essentially, they are making WSA's by proposing rivers for W&S status. The Junes Bottom road fell victim to this process.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Thats nice to see.

It looks like the locals are recongizeing the fact that if stuff keeps getting closed that there economy will go to crap.

I think thats the part the enviro's don't get, they are messing with the lively hood of an entire region. JMO


somewhat damaged
Floppy Hat said:
The Junes Bottom road fell victim to this process.

I was lucky enough to find and drive Junes Bottom about 3 or 4 days before they closed it. Beautiful trail and scenery. That 'road' had been there for a very long time too. There is no reason for that trail to be closed. :(

We took extra pictures because we knew it would be the last time through there. :(


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
EZRhino said:
Uh, no.....Muddy Creek is Muddy Creek, San Rafael is the San Rafael. I was talking about the access roads to the Lower Black Box. (And same thing for the Upper Black Box too.) It makes a fun but long hike into a even longer death march because you now have to hike an additional 2 miles uphill in the blazing sun to get back to the cars. Pretty stupid.


I still remember camping at the spot at the very end of lower black box where that big tree with the parallel branch-bench is. Nice view of mexican mountain and within walking distance of the biggest geod bed I've ever seen.

Now it's blocked off. :( Same with calf mesa and that surrounding wash (virgin spring?).
