Stupid people that ride on rigs or stand up while moving


Cedar Hills
I was running Kane Creek 2 years ago at EJS and just before you enter the canyon, 2 Sammies with kids standing in the back came down toward the group. I was at the front and stopped the 2nd guy to say that about 30 rigs were coming and that they might want to pull off for a bit. The guy revs it and pops the clutch and takes off as a litle girl about 8 flies out of the back and lands on her HEAD on the rock! He was 100 yards down the trail before my wife could get someone on the CB to pull him over! I was out immediately doing a medical assessment and getting her to remain still while I gave her a once over and got her neck braced. She was groggy and banged up and a nurse with the group backed people up and we called a chopper. The guy in the Sammy comes back and tells the girl to just get in over and over. We wouldn't let anyone move her and then the waist gunner comes up says that she is not with our group and to just leave her and MOVE ON! UNFREAKING-BELIEVABLE!
I told him that we would wait and then the chopper circled in. The nurse said she would stay and and get her on, so as our group starts to break up and get back in our rigs, the guy moves in on the nurse, picks up the girl, lays her in the back of the Sammy and drives off!!! I never did hear what happened but I was as pissed as I've ever been...


one small mod at a time
chevtech said:

You know, natural selection should kick in on the parents and remove them from the Earth. Not their kids.

What an idiot.

Ya, know, everytime I start to put my faith in the abilities of naturl selection to strengthen humanity, stories like tyhe one above make me doubt the longevity of our existence as a species.

On a related note, how does one convince their children to leave the seatbelt on?Nothing works, including bouncing off of ther back of the front seat, reacting to a SLC porsche driver, or hitting the deck carseat and all from landing off of an aerial journey, Before I get flogged, she was buckled when we left on the journey(ies)? Any other breeders got advice for me, other than leave her home?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
breederwheeler said:
Ya, know, everytime I start to put my faith in the abilities of naturl selection to strengthen humanity, stories like tyhe one above make me doubt the longevity of our existence as a species.

On a related note, how does one convince their children to leave the seatbelt on?Nothing works, including bouncing off of ther back of the front seat, reacting to a SLC porsche driver, or hitting the deck carseat and all from landing off of an aerial journey, Before I get flogged, she was buckled when we left on the journey(ies)? Any other breeders got advice for me, other than leave her home?

I've just convinced the kids that the car won't start and if they unbuckle, the car stalls.


one small mod at a time
mbryson said:
I've just convinced the kids that the car won't start and if they unbuckle, the car stalls.

That would excite them,".. what you mean we don't have to go anywhere ? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!"

I Think I am gonna adopt pint size 5 point hitches, and padlock the attach point. That'll show 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
breederwheeler said:
On a related note, how does one convince their children to leave the seatbelt on?Nothing works, including bouncing off of ther back of the front seat, reacting to a SLC porsche driver, or hitting the deck carseat and all from landing off of an aerial journey, Before I get flogged, she was buckled when we left on the journey(ies)? Any other breeders got advice for me, other than leave her home?

they have no choice. I make the rules period, and if you don't follow them you suffer the concequeses(sp) -_-


Registered User
pokeyYJ said:
Anyone else notice the amount of stupid people at EJS this year that were either standing up in the back of a rig, or trying to play superman and hang off of or around the tubes on a buggy?

WTF? :mad: You wanna talk about stupid things that you can do while wheeling, I am going to say that this ranks pretty high on the list.

And when you tell them to put there seat belts on or get out during obstacles they tell you to F*** off. Ask Suka, or anyone from my group what happens when you roll and don't have seat belts on. Damn stupid people even had a freakin' baby in the rig without a belt or car seat!! :mad: :mad:

I seriously hope this is a trend that doesn't catch on, because I don't want to loose a trail because some dumb ass fell out/off a rig and died. And there are some people on this board that are guilty of this, xj-punk and Olly are some of the ones that I know about.

Please stop, and put your belts on! I don't want to waste a day on the trail trying to get you or your buddies busted up bodies to the hospital because you are a dumb ass. :mad:

I didn't see any, but I did a mellow EJS and so only stupit thing I saw, was some dude with lift Ford and camper to booty on it, coming down the trail leading too, Gemini Bridge and other trails up there. I had to add a third Seat Belt in my TJ so my wife whe she decides to come with. Since unless it is trail, a stock Grand can come on. My buddy will be with us in that case. But , I have rolled before, in both Jeep and sandrails. You forgot drinking also! I love to put some down as much as anyone, but I won't allow that either with someone going with me. My friend is same way when when go fishing on his boat. There is time and place for that! :) Reason! Cause I don't want to have to live rest of my live, with guilt of someone getting injured or killed , that I let do such stuff. Granted there is a risk to this sport, but doesn't need to be made worse by give odd's to the worse, verse the best.


baaaaaaaaaad to the bone
Supporting Member
allterrain said:
I was running Kane Creek 2 years ago at EJS and just before you enter the canyon, 2 Sammies with kids standing in the back came down toward the group. I was at the front and stopped the 2nd guy to say that about 30 rigs were coming and that they might want to pull off for a bit. The guy revs it and pops the clutch and takes off as a litle girl about 8 flies out of the back and lands on her HEAD on the rock! He was 100 yards down the trail before my wife could get someone on the CB to pull him over! I was out immediately doing a medical assessment and getting her to remain still while I gave her a once over and got her neck braced. She was groggy and banged up and a nurse with the group backed people up and we called a chopper. The guy in the Sammy comes back and tells the girl to just get in over and over. We wouldn't let anyone move her and then the waist gunner comes up says that she is not with our group and to just leave her and MOVE ON! UNFREAKING-BELIEVABLE!
I told him that we would wait and then the chopper circled in. The nurse said she would stay and and get her on, so as our group starts to break up and get back in our rigs, the guy moves in on the nurse, picks up the girl, lays her in the back of the Sammy and drives off!!! I never did hear what happened but I was as pissed as I've ever been...

Wow, I was there on that trail that day, and I saw everything but the girl actually falling out. I was further back in the group. Hopefully that girl came out of it ok. Hopefully the guy got a brain after that.


Registered User
One of the stuidest things Ive ever seen was this kid was trying to show off in his TJ coming down Lions back, he gets up SITS ON THE DAMN ROLL BAR and steers with his feet!!!!! I was just waiting for it to pop out of gear or something.


No sh*t shut up


The difference here is that I was the only one in the rig, only endangered myself. And I can garantee that I will always have my seat belt on now.



Registered User
Phx, AZ
jeepinkeller said:
One of the stuidest things Ive ever seen was this kid was trying to show off in his TJ coming down Lions back, he gets up SITS ON THE DAMN ROLL BAR and steers with his feet!!!!! I was just waiting for it to pop out of gear or something.

Was it a red TJ?

So showing off is stupid? :rolleyes: Risky comes to my mind.


Registered User
Phx, AZ
Herzog said:
I witnessed you do that on double whammy a couple years ago. I don't know if you remember me or not but I was the guy in the blueish cherokee at the time.

Anyways, hope to run into you again. Cheers!

Oh, and one more thing, update the link to your website! I used to check out your site every so often. Cool stuff! :)

Herzog-----ya, sounds like me....playing on DW. Yes might see you in Moab sometime....still like that place for sure. My old website went bye bye. I now have a free one with Tripod and the link is in my sig. It's just a big page is all it is. Nothing fancy.Just some suspension and gear install stuff. Cheers. ZUK out.