Stupid Question


Registered User
Does anyone have a picture or can explain how the route of the serpentine belt for an 89 xj goes. For some reason its not right:confused: . Any Help would be awesome.


formerly "rckcrlr"
bigtruck said:
Does anyone have a picture or can explain how the route of the serpentine belt for an 89 xj goes. For some reason its not right:confused: . Any Help would be awesome.

Let's see if I can do this from memory....
over top of ps pump, across over wp with the back side of belt, covers 3/4 of the wp pulley, ribbed side down pull over the crank pulley, covers about 2/3 of that, the the back sid over the idler rib side up over the AC and then straight done to the alt.

IIRC :D no promises....haynes manual has it and there should be a sticker under the hood....or there's always google.


Registered User
the manual show it but it says that the engine fan and water pump are the same and there not it two separate things. I dont have a fan shroud and that is where the pic of it is.


formerly "rckcrlr"
Fan on yours is on the idler....otherwise it should be the same routing....

Marshal (on here) Buddy bought our XJ and I gave him all the manuals. Maybe he could help you out.

MBryson should know this too;)