Test trip

I live in Orem and I want to take this new toy out and see what it does on the 8-9 of Feb when i get back in town.


Its looks mean but its open F&R although i may have the front locker in by then. What is a good trail that is open now to go play on ? I remeber one back behind AF with a lake at the top. Its been along time since i went wheeling due to work so im trying to get back into it. Any suggestions or is anyone going out that weekend i could tag along with ?


Active Member
West Mtn, Utah
Man I have got a ton of fun wheelin places around me this time of year. Just a little south of Orem just west of Payson a couple miles. West Mtn: The whole Mtn is OHV ok. Who knows what it will be like the 8-9th of Feb, we are suppose to be getting hit almost everyday this week with snow.


gone yeepn
Hey i would be interested in possably going. Hey if its at all possable i would like to also when u get into town come take a look at that rearend and see how they did it. Would like to do that to mine. I live in orem to.