The Irish Exit

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
If you’re not familiar, I encourage you to look it up:

The Irish exit is not rude. It's a sign of emotional intelligence -- of candor, of self-assuredness. It means you know where you stand with everyone else, that you have some semblance of awareness.

My Jeep club meets twice a month, and people tend to break out into conversation circles… quite normal.
Then, without fail, someone will go from circle to circle, interrupt whatever is going on so they can be acknowledged for leaving.

Same can be said for adventurers ‘round the campfire. There will be at least one person who will pack it in early, and say goodbye. If you’re in the middle of a conversation, they will continue to interrupt until you acknowledge them.

Personally, I tip my cap to anyone who sees me, and I go. I’m not that important.

There are two things that I am certain are going to happen in my lifetime:

Scientist will discover the center of the universe.

Many people are going to be super-disappointed that it’s not them.

What say you all?