The Pickle?

My Ride Sux

Where may I find this so called Pickle trail down in Moab? I saw a few pictures of peoples trips and would like to go and give it a shot. I never heard of this trail till recently.


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do you know the secret handshake?

I tried drawing it on google map once and because of the color of the dirt it's hard to follow the road. I could draw you directions, but they would be soemwhat difficult to find.

Basically, in bartlett wash, after maybe .5 miles you go up a quick switch back, then accross the top of a little hill, then drop down into a wash and then up a hill. the wash before the hill turn right into, then after about 50 feet go hard left up the narrow canyon. This is the Pickle. If you get lost once you get to this spot, promptly sell your rig, give the money to charity, and kill yourself. ;)

To exit, once you get to the sand dunes go up the dune to the left, get to the main road. Left takes you back, right takes you to the Dubinky Well road.


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if it's raining/snowing, maybe a 4. The end obstacle is nasty if it's wet, but does have an easy bypass. when it was snowing (ground wet, but no snow on ground) I couldn't get my buggy up it. When it's dry we got an XJ on open/open on 33's up it without too much trouble.

Otherwise, probably a tough 3+. The "pickle" obstacle has a tendancy to change from year to year so really it could get crazy, or it could be easy depending on the amount of water that has come through there recently. It's short and sweet though...3-4 quick obstacles and done. makes for a good night run, but I wouldn't try and find it at night if you don't know where its at exactly.


if it's raining/snowing, maybe a 4. The end obstacle is nasty if it's wet, but does have an easy bypass. when it was snowing (ground wet, but no snow on ground) I couldn't get my buggy up it. When it's dry we got an XJ on open/open on 33's up it without too much trouble.

This one?



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ohh, that famous sequence. Do you have a link to the original thread or did it get pulled?


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haha, cryptobiotic soil angels with a beer helmet.

I forgot about that one lol. Really, I just came out of nowhere on that didn't I? 5-1 odds I was drunk. I try and confine my assaults to the truly deserving these days.
That guy just picked up that empty can right?;)

Why does it matter? Why is that every time those pictures surface, it's about the freakin' BEER CAN??? Can we instead focus on the point and give kudos to Brett for making that obstacle his biatch?? That's by no means a pansy "waterfall" and the fact that he did it open with merely 33's is quite impressive in my book. :bow: Go Brett!! :tara:


Just me
We ran the "pickle" on saturday. However, we ran it backwards and then frontwards. Pretty easy in all, three samis, a toy and the buggy both ways about 20 minutes each. There is a little spot that can get tight if you are really worried about sheet metal, but we all amde it through with no damage.


Why does it matter? Why is that every time those pictures surface, it's about the freakin' BEER CAN??? Can we instead focus on the point and give kudos to Brett for making that obstacle his biatch?? That's by no means a pansy "waterfall" and the fact that he did it open with merely 33's is quite impressive in my book. :bow: Go Brett!! :tara:

Thanks! :brett: