The Proving Gounds


pebble hopper
I was just wondering if anyone on here knew how to get to the proving grounds? I am just going to watch. Can't fourwheel due to a broken tranny:mad: But from the looks of the trail I dont know if I would get very far anyways. Thanks for the help.


To get to Proving Grounds, you head out of Moab on Main. Drive out till you get to the Shell Station, turn left. Go to the stop sign and turn right. You drive about 3 miles in till you see a little pump station on the left side of the road, where you turn onto a dirt road. Go up this dirt road a little ways till you get to a right hand turn off. Go down this road till you get to the dunes (you'll pass Lower Proving grounds if you just head up on top of the dunes. Head towards the cliff walls and hug these as they take you further south. Proving Grounds is just a little ways up there starting up a small canyon. Fun to walk, but difficult to drive.

PM me if you have more questions.