Things we say here are being used against us.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
I just finished reading an article in the local paper here in Moab about the SITLA auction a couple of weeks ago. In the article it is mentioned some of the negative and threatening things that have been said about Kiley Miller, one of the purchasers of the property containing Lower Hellodrado. There is a specific quote from THIS FORUM listed in the article and refrences to others and defaced photographs of her on other forums.

It's been said before, but some of us either don't get it or forget. Everything we say on this and other forums is viewable by anyone with a computer & internet access. We really need to think very carefully about the things we say about our enemies on these forums, becasue they can be used against us. Some comments look especially bad when they are dissected & used out of context. I would suggest that the moderators remove any posts with potentially damaging things said in them, but I doubt this will happen.

Along the same line of thought, many photos that I've seen posted on the various forums I visit are of questionable if not outright illegal activities. Photos can be used in an out of context situation against us also. Just look at what Mark Boslough did with some photos he pulled off the net concerning the Barking Dog trail in Colorado.

First & foremost, people need to think about their actions & how others will perceive them. Additionally, the off road community is being placed under a microscope. Any questionable action, comment, or photo could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak. I think it's long past time for all of us to guard our actions & words well. We are rapidly becoming our own worst enemy. If we don't make big changes soon the only place we will be able to use our rigs will be overcrowded private parks.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Thanks for the heads up Rick, I'll gladly look into the comments posted here. I'm intrested in what words they quoted. Do you happen to have that quote?

It's scary, but true... this is a public forum, anyone can view what we're saying. Most people won't remember the 'Snowbird' thingy, where comments were made about setting fire to high-dollar machinery. It was intended to be a joke, were taken very seriously by some very important people and ended up in us doing alot of explaining to a couple Reps from Snowbird. :eek:

Be careful folks! :ugh: -_-


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I'd like to see the article too. It sucks big time that an off-hand sarcastic comment will be highly publicized while all the great things like the cleanups, trail restoration, and public service projects go virtually unnoticed. :(


I luv Pritchett
The article is in the May 27th Times Independent (Moab's local paper). This issue wasn't online as of a few minutes ago, but it should be soon. The address is The article is definately biased against 4-wheelers. Sad to say, but when sarcastic, juvenile remarks are made on public forums, it makes it easy for reporters to gather plenty of info to support thier "view".

I am happy to see that there are not nearly as many stupid remarks made here on RME as over on Pirate, but we all need to act like reasonable, intelligent people instead of jerks if we want to win our battles.



Well-Known Member
UHH not seeing it yet but I say HOGWASH to that. Why does everyone believe what they read?

I don't understand their train of thinking to use something that was posted to a FORUM by WHO Knows?

As far as you know the Person that posted that, had WRITTEN IT for them (part of them) OR they Made it up?

Oh and should I remove my Signature?



Registered User
West Jordan
JeeperG said:
UHH not seeing it yet but I say HOGWASH to that. Why does everyone believe what they read?

I don't understand their train of thinking to use something that was posted to a FORUM by WHO Knows?

As far as you know the Person that posted that, had WRITTEN IT for them (part of them) OR they Made it up?

Oh and should I remove my Signature?


You dont say hogwash... You yourself have been affected (more ways than your showing) by what has been written, tought and said by society for your whole life! That is the way, we as a community of people will determine our survival or fall. Every thought you have, in agreeance or against an opinion, will like wise be effected by what was taught to you.

I do agree with what is being said here. We can all think what we chose, but as a whole we should do the better thing and keep it to ourself. Ultimatly it will help our sport in the end!


Registered User
Riverton, Ut
This is lame. Wasn't there a colorado board (pirate referred to it) that gave the drivers verion of the story when this "chick" put her foot in front of the tire so the jeep would run it over? I'm sure the paper didn't track that down.

We have obviously learned from the news that people in chat rooms (message boards) are really who they say they are. :rolleyes:

I changed it.
Last edited:

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
Yup, that's a fine example of things that can be used against all of us. Negative comments like that have a way of morphing into something even worse & showing up in surprising places. It's not hard to understand why the general public thinks offroaders are nothing but a bunch of uneducated redneck asshats when we do such a fine job of proving them right.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Dude, I think I sold her some stuff at Circuit City the other day. She was from Moab and looked just like the pictures I've seen minus the cowboy hat and grimace. I didn't get her name, but whoever it was, she was really nice.

I guess I could have asked if she lived in a school bus.


Rick B said:
Yup, that's a fine example of things that can be used against all of us. Negative comments like that have a way of morphing into something even worse & showing up in surprising places. It's not hard to understand why the general public thinks offroaders are nothing but a bunch of uneducated redneck asshats when we do such a fine job of proving them right.

To a degree. I don't think we all need to go run and hide to avoid scrutiny. Why don't we illustrate and advertise all the crap that the eco-nuts do?

As fun as it would be, I'll tell you why not: because we congregate to mainly have fun, fighting land use battles is secondary. They congregate mainly for land use battles, their whole MO is different.

Let's just keep being us, support the hell out of BRC, USA-ALL, United, U4. RME kicks ass and does a lot of neat things. Even if we said stuff that was totally PC, they'd still exploit it.

By the way, Kiley's buddy is suing the lady that he attacked over the foot thing. Like a robber that you shoot turning around and suing you for disability. Good grief.


Sandy, UT
What kind of a second rate "journalist" would search out public "forums" for "facts" to print in a newspaper??@!? For hell's sake, whoever the author of that article is should be embarrassed and publicly shamed for writing that way. Is the Moab Times Independent so deprived of real literary talent that they have to hire any two-bit tin-horn with a computer to write their articles?! Why does this rag stoop to the level of printing hearsay and conjecture from anonymous sources?! The editor should be as embarrassed as the author.

Just because someone says "I'm gunna kill that tree hugging biatch" on a forum doesn't mean it is a legitimate threat.

Having said that...yes we need to watch ourselves. How much do you want to bet that I can go right now to some tree hugger forums and read the same types of threatening innuendo regarding our side. They're probably plotting to lay claymore mines and booby traps right now....


PS read my signature.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
EZRhino said:
What kind of a second rate "journalist" would search out public "forums" for "facts" to print in a newspaper??@!? For hell's sake, whoever the author of that article is should be embarrassed and publicly shamed for writing that way. Is the Moab Times Independent so deprived of real literary talent that they have to hire any two-bit tin-horn with a computer to write their articles?! Why does this rag stoop to the level of printing hearsay and conjecture from anonymous sources?! The editor should be as embarrassed as the author.

Just because someone says "I'm gunna kill that tree hugging biatch" on a forum doesn't mean it is a legitimate threat.

Having said that...yes we need to watch ourselves. How much do you want to bet that I can go right now to some tree hugger forums and read the same types of threatening innuendo regarding our side. They're probably plotting to lay claymore mines and booby traps right now....


PS read my signature.

I totally had the same thought. Talk about credibility, for all the editor knows, they could be quoting a 14 yr old who's never even driven a vehicle, let alone been to Moab.



Registered User
WOW--I can't believe how politically correct people worry about being!!!
This is the same "bitch" that tried to kick people off of public land in and around her private land,this is the same "bitch" that put up no trespassing signs on property she didn't even own!!!! This is the same "bitch" who tried to close off public access!!!
Look--she has a right to be there,all offroaders now have a right to use a piece of property next to her as we choose. We have a right to hate her and spew back a sampling of her own lashing out. If her skin ain't thick enough to handle it I suggest she find a new neighborhood!!!(do you remember who started this fight??)HER by closing off public access!!
I fully plan to use the helldorado piece to it's fullest offroad capacity,if the "bitch don't like the sound of motors running and tires burning on rocks-----tough ****,she should have bought helldorado. She didn't--we did!!
I know we will not go out of our way to torment her -- but If she starts the tormenting????
Please understand-- property(private property) has been purchased for the use of offroaders--this is not a wilderness debate,nor a public land issue--the lines are drawn and clear!!!! This particular discussion is no differant than someone sitting in their house and saying"I really can't stand that enviromental bitch across the street" This neighborhood just happens to be a little larger!! I can see no need to treat her "nicely" or "kindly" She's not one of my friends.
I have nothing in common with her liberal,tree hugging, enviromental agenda,I'm sure she has nothing in common with our conservative (use but don't abuse the land) agenda. We happen to be neighbors and I can live with that.
But I can't stand the PC crowd saying back off- be nice- we don't want to hurt someones feelings,we don't want to stir up her kind--phawk her and her kind!!!
It's time the normal folks had some say in this country!! I SAY LETS CRAWL!!


Well-Known Member
oldno7 said:
WOW--I can't believe how politically correct people worry about being!!!
This is the same "bitch" that tried to kick people off of public land in and around her private land,this is the same "bitch" that put up no trespassing signs on property she didn't even own!!!! This is the same "bitch" who tried to close off public access!!!
Look--she has a right to be there,all offroaders now have a right to use a piece of property next to her as we choose. We have a right to hate her and spew back a sampling of her own lashing out. If her skin ain't thick enough to handle it I suggest she find a new neighborhood!!!(do you remember who started this fight??)HER by closing off public access!!
I fully plan to use the helldorado piece to it's fullest offroad capacity,if the "bitch don't like the sound of motors running and tires burning on rocks-----tough ****,she should have bought helldorado. She didn't--we did!!
I know we will not go out of our way to torment her -- but If she starts the tormenting????
Please understand-- property(private property) has been purchased for the use of offroaders--this is not a wilderness debate,nor a public land issue--the lines are drawn and clear!!!! This particular discussion is no differant than someone sitting in their house and saying"I really can't stand that enviromental bitch across the street" This neighborhood just happens to be a little larger!! I can see no need to treat her "nicely" or "kindly" She's not one of my friends.
I have nothing in common with her liberal,tree hugging, enviromental agenda,I'm sure she has nothing in common with our conservative (use but don't abuse the land) agenda. We happen to be neighbors and I can live with that.
But I can't stand the PC crowd saying back off- be nice- we don't want to hurt someones feelings,we don't want to stir up her kind--phawk her and her kind!!!
It's time the normal folks had some say in this country!! I SAY LETS CRAWL!!

Thanks you for saying others have said too...its a bunch of BS if anyone thinks we need to tip toe around, let them quote me or anyone else, if you cant backup your spew then you shouldn;t be spewing it:D...

she just started a battle she cant win and wont win and she cant handle it. BTW, I'm still wanting to see the story as the 27th issue has been posted and there's nothing in it.


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
It all comes down to balance...

Balance between experssing our personal feelings about having one of our most prized trails taken away from us & being smart about the way we express those feelings. Yeah, I personally have issues with anyone that wants to stop me from enjoying the sport I live for. Conveying those feelings into words that the 'other side' can understand is never easy, but should be worth an attempt.