This is disturbing!


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
you know im not going to get into a political arguement, but ive been following Obama since day 1 and that doesnt sound like his plan at all (well most of it) and as youtube goes there may be more to the video than whats being shown.

in the same manner as the whole "obama worships the koran, wont cover his heart in the pledge of allegience, etc".


Active Member
you know im not going to get into a political arguement, but ive been following Obama since day 1 and that doesnt sound like his plan at all (well most of it) and as youtube goes there may be more to the video than whats being shown.

in the same manner as the whole "obama worships the koran, wont cover his heart in the pledge of allegience, etc".



Who Dares Wins
Hmm... I'd like to get some more info on his whole plan, but from just that clip (and other things I've seen) I'd say that he has very little understanding of global defense policies.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Ya think?

He sounds like every other starry-eyed leftist: weapons bad! If we destroy them all, no one will fight! It's misguided and silly.

*sigh* I bet he wins though. :eek:


Active Member
Even J.esus is laughing at how ridiculous that statement is. See?

View attachment 34680

I never thought of that, maybe the christian gods plan includes a star wars nuclear missle defense system. It would make sense because Al-quieda's gods plan includes wiping out the western world's populations and culture, which is polluting the rest of the world. What does Russia's god's plan call for? (And Brett would you please correct my spelling?)


Who Dares Wins
God is banned in Russia. Dinchoo study histry?

That's not correct. The Soviet Union was officially an atheistic state, but the Russian people have historically been deeply religious, hence the Russian Orthodox Church. Even though the USSR tried very hard to oppress religion, they where never successful. By the time Khrushchev came to power in the mid-50's the practice of religion was illegal but tolerated. When Gorbachev became Premier in 1985 and the beginning of his policies of Гла́сность (Glasnost or openness) the practice of religion was officially allowed in the USSR. With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, ironically on Christmas Day, the newly formed Russian Federation officially renounced all Soviet policies regarding religion. Early in the 1990's the Russian Federation began transferring ownership of churches that had been confiscated during the Soviet era back to the Russian Orthodox Church.
Today religion is very much alive in Russia and the Church is one of the most powerful organizations in the country.

(Yeah... I'm full of useless information :D)