Tips on weldin' Aluminum w/mig


Lift Laws Suck...
I had a mig test the other day, I passed the Carbon steel, the flux core, then they brought out stainless... which I'd never done before. But, I passed it also... (it was a lil' more difficult to set the machine for), but I figured it out. Up hill sux to do, but It looked pretty decent for a first time. They asked me to do the aluminum also. I've never done this either. I've heard it's tougher to do than the stainless steel. So, far I've gathered that I'll have to use pure argon with the push method keeping my electrode about 3/4 of an inch off the arch. Any old-timers want to help a kid out?


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
Sorry my last reply was for Tig... I have a little experience with an allum. spool gun, but not much. The most important thin with alluminum is to clean it like there's no tommarow. Keep a seperate stainless steel brush just for cleaning allum. You do push the gun instead of pull it, and its pretty easy to do, but it is alot different than steel. If you can pre-heat your work before you weld, it will make it easier also. Don't forget to clean it ;)

"The rapid heat transfer makes the weld solidify faster than steel. Steel melts at 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit, while pure aluminum melts at 1,220 de*grees Fahrenheit. However, surface ox*ides, one of aluminum's natural barriers against corrosion, melt at much higher temperatures, around 3,725 degrees Fahr*enheit, almost 1,000 degrees over the melting point of steel"

Good luck


Let's Roll For Justice
aluminum with a spool gun lays down perty quick and at first it's hard to not lay down a big fat poo bead, best thing you could do is practice a little and figure out what works for ya . what he said about the stainless steel brush. the spool gun took me one try before it felt natural so it's not to hard.


Well-Known Member
As the other guys have said, its pretty easy (ok, really easy) to mig aluminum if you are fairly familiar with welding and watch your puddle. You do have to move pretty fast so I would practice a little before trying. The aluminum only SS brush is a must otherwise its will be a PITA and your weld will be contaminated. Also, if you ahve to setup the machine yourself (meaning its not already setup for aluminum) then you will need a new liner (you MAY be able to get by with one thats been used for steel but I would HIGLY reccomend an aluminum only one.

Good Luck :cool: