Today's curiosity:

It seems that regardless of how long we've been planning a wheeling trip and counting down the days in excitement, suddenly, it's the day before we leave and there are a bazillion things to do. Does this happen to anyone else? I made our EJS reservations last October for crimany's sake, I've known about this trip for just a little bit. Yet, here I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

My question is this: Am I an unorganized freak with the attention span of a ferret on crack who can't get her act together OR is this just life with kids and work and I'm far from being alone.



one small mod at a time
I like the idea of a ferret on crack, my Lab resembles that most days, but am leaning towards the latter.
Kids, work, etc. take quite a bit of the focus we have, so there is very little left for "me" focus.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
No matter how unorganized you think you might be there is someone out there that will make you look too prepared--trust me.

I don't want to get started with the fear that he will read this... He is a cool dude, but trust me he will (every single year!) wait utill we're ready to pull out of the driveway at 5:30 in the morning and decide that he want to do a major upgrade/overhaul on his truck. If I don't say "I'll see you down there" (and basically just ditch him) I would honestly spend my EJS over hauling his truck in the driveway and never get to see those beautifull red rocks :rolleyes:

I have some stories about his unpreparedness that would blow your mind. But alas he is the only one that still wants to head down to EJS with me this year :-\


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Supporting Member
I haven't even started to get anything ready, and likely won't until next week. the jeep has been running a total of about 15 minutes since October too :D

..but I don't have kids, dogs, tow rig, trailer, and sig other to get on the same page. Just little ole me and my lil ole jeep.
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Registered User
Arm Utah
I've known we're leaving tomorrow for a long time and have also known how much I had to do since coming back from KOH. I've put in over 30 hours this week alone and my list today is HUGE. My dash and insides are completely torn apart and I have at least 10 more hours of work to do, including loading it up to go weld some tabs on so I can mount the roof. Oh, and I have to run to Summit to pick up those tabs sometime today. It's freaking nutz, and my dear Janeal is about at her wits end with me.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake City
There is always something I want to improve or tell my self I should buy before I leave on a trip but I usually say screw it and go without it.


since I just found out last night that I will be there, Yup. Its pretty well ready to go, but I need to tighten it all and pack.


I'm addicted
Herriman, UT
I'm always rushing around trying to get everything ready. It seems like I "forget" to do things to the Jeep up until the last 2-3 days before I leave. I'm headed out Sunday afternoon and my weekend will be filled with lost of unorganization.


I've known we're leaving tomorrow for a long time and have also known how much I had to do since coming back from KOH. I've put in over 30 hours this week alone and my list today is HUGE. My dash and insides are completely torn apart and I have at least 10 more hours of work to do, including loading it up to go weld some tabs on so I can mount the roof. Oh, and I have to run to Summit to pick up those tabs sometime today. It's freaking nutz, and my dear Janeal is about at her wits end with me.

I'm gunna take a shower and eat something, then I'm coming over to help like it or not.
No matter how unorganized you think you might be there is someone out there that will make you look too prepared--trust me.
It's not so much being unprepared, we keep Lemon Joy stocked with all of life's little necessaties all the time. Although, I must admit to not having any glowsticks for this trip. :-\ My thing is more the getting ready to get into the truck and leave. Once we're in the truck, it's all good, we have everything we could possibly need and that normally includes the kitchen sink! :rofl:
I haven't even started to get anything ready, and likely won't until next week. the jeep has been running a total of about 15 minutes since October too :D
That's so weird, I could've sworn your Jeep was running for more than 15 minutes the end of November. :p
I'm usually ready a week prior to anything I do, trip wise that is.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that you only go to Moab once a year? :p
It's freaking nutz, and my dear Janeal is about at her wits end with me.
Tell your dear wife there is a girl's run going down at BFE Saturday afternoon that she is more than welcome to join! ;)


Just me
No matter how unorganized you think you might be there is someone out there that will make you look too prepared--trust me.

I don't want to get started with the fear that he will read this... He is a cool dude, but trust me he will (every single year!) wait utill we're ready to pull out of the driveway at 5:30 in the morning and decide that he want to do a major upgrade/overhaul on his truck. If I don't say "I'll see you down there" (and basically just ditch him) I would honestly spend my EJS over hauling his truck in the driveway and never get to see those beautifull red rocks :rolleyes:

I have some stories about his unpreparedness that would blow your mind. But alas he is the only one that still wants to head down to EJS with me this year :-\

I only had to re-pack my wheel bearings that one time, jerk. -_-


Well-Known Member
It seems that regardless of how long we've been planning a wheeling trip and counting down the days in excitement, suddenly, it's the day before we leave and there are a bazillion things to do. Does this happen to anyone else? I made our EJS reservations last October for crimany's sake, I've known about this trip for just a little bit. Yet, here I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

My question is this: Am I an unorganized freak with the attention span of a ferret on crack who can't get her act together OR is this just life with kids and work and I'm far from being alone.


At least the stak is in :)


Just a user
Draper, UT

That is one awesome discription of life there.

Am I an unorganized freak with the attention span of a ferret on crack who can't get her act together OR is this just life with kids and work and I'm far from being alone.


Sgt. CulPepper
I've known we're leaving tomorrow for a long time and have also known how much I had to do since coming back from KOH. I've put in over 30 hours this week alone and my list today is HUGE. My dash and insides are completely torn apart and I have at least 10 more hours of work to do, including loading it up to go weld some tabs on so I can mount the roof. Oh, and I have to run to Summit to pick up those tabs sometime today. It's freaking nutz, and my dear Janeal is about at her wits end with me.

Wow sounds like I am not alone, my wife Shay has not seen me in the house for longer than an hour in the last two weeks, but at least we have a full week to catch up and have a great time. Can't wait til Sunday morning.