toyota needs help

my 83 toyota with 22r will only run when floured it acts like it flooded
and it blowing alot of smoke

I started it up let worm up took of too run rattlesake stoped runig at the
bottom.It ran grate till now:-\


Pretty vague description. You might get more response if you let us know what you've worked on lately, what troubleshooting you've done etc. I've found my own shadetree troubleshooting to be better than shops a lot of the time. What have you checked?
spark good on all cyl?
vacuum lines for leaks or wrong locations? crossed vacuum lines will do that.
when's the last time the fuel filter was changed?
dirty carb?
just a couple of thoughts of hand...
color of smoke black whith som whit doing compresstion test this week
not shore of vacuum lines there where a lot missing when I got the truck
but it ran good at the time
I started having trouble when I pored carb.cleaner in it had to change spark
pluks to start it whent ont tow runs befor this happened it did have whit smoke
at stert up until it wormed up