U4WDA Spring Ride, May 5th Kanab

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Pre-register now.

Information and trail descriptions are on the U4WDA website; www.u4wda.org

This year you MUST pre-register to attend. There are limits to the number of vehicles allowed on each trail and when those limits are reached, we can't take any more.

When you rsvp, please include the trail you wish to run and if you wish to purchase the dinner @ $10. ea.

Don't wait, the trails are filling fast and it won't be long before the trail limits are reached


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Supporting Member
East Stabbington
I have to bail. The jeep is overheating, gutless, and the window wont' roll up so it would be a wet drive down there..

Have fun everyone. I'm jealous.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Ohhh...The wet drive does wonders for the overheating, being gutless really improves your odds of not getting a speeding ticket.

Oh well...we'll just have fun and you won't be here.


Sandy, Ut
Awesome!!! :cool:

We ran the Savage Point Trail... had a great time. Kanab is a fun town, much like I imagine Moab was 30 years ago (not saying Moab isn't fun now, just much larger these days ;))

The trails were great and the people were awesome!

Pics later :D


Who Dares Wins
I really wish that I had gone to Kanab instead of Moab. :( But my friends were insistent on Moab, damn peer pressure. Sounds like everyone had a good time though!