UROC link for sending in nominees for the "Rockcrawlers Roundtable"


Registered User
Just an FYI---There's now a link with a little note asking for nominees on the the UROC website.


Here's what's there:

"The Rock Crawlers Roundtable will be responsible for feedback, suggestions,
creative brainstorming and general problem solving for the betterment and
future growth of the sport. To nominate someone you must have a current
UROC, RCAA, ERoCC, ORCA or CalRocs team number. Only drivers and spotters can make nominations. Nominees do not have to be competitors but MUST have time to invest and experience in the sport. Keep in mind you should only nominate people who want to take on the responsibility so check with them first. Roundtable will meet 4 times this year during event weekends. In the event a member cannot attend a meeting they will be asked to submit a
letter containing current issues that can be read to the group on their
behalf. Please submit your nomination immediately as we are ready to review
new rule suggestions. First Roundtable meeting is planned for Thursday
evening during SEMA for the members who are planning on being there.

If a tally of nominations presents a clear picture as to who the
rock crawling community wants as their representatives no further vote will
be held; otherwise a list of candidates will be posted followed by an
immediate vote. We are excited for what this can do for the sport in many
ways. Put some thought into who you want representing you and make sure
they are the kind of individual who finds solutions. We need not waist time
with those who come only to complain without compromise.

Email your nomination to roundtable@uroc.com . In your subject
line put your nominee's name. In the text put your full name and team
number. Nothing else is needed.

Thanks for your speedy nominations.
UROC Staff"

-Also posted on POR-


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
They've been chosen!


Because of overwhelming nominations for these people, a final vote is not needed. Here is your Round Table.

Lance Clifford

Pro National Advisory Board
Dustin Webster
John Gilliland
Curt Hildebrand

Western Regional Advisory Board
Joel Randall
George Wadeson
Garrett Sisson

Eastern Regional Advisory Board
John Curey
RJ Brown
Jeff Mello

Thanks for your speedy nominations.
UROC Staff
