Website Marketing Ideas

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Eagle Mountain
I have a newly established website and I'm looking for marketing ideas. Besides advertising on your vehicle, and business cards... I am just not getting enough traffic!!! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Any ideas?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
too much info = tmi

I'm not sure much useful marketing advice could be given without knowing at least a little bit about what you sell, who you want to target, etc etc. There is a reason marketing and/or business plans are 20-100 pages and not 3 sentences.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Like, do you sell stuff? Is it a BB? How do you make $$--off of advertising dollars? Just write ups?

If you build/sell things, you can donate something to PriMedia for a writeup--or even do a writeup yourself and have it published.

You can become a vendor on some of the bigger BB's (POR, RME, NAXJA, etc etc) and earn a reputation as a straight shooter with reasonable prices and reliable service.

If it's a BB, you can covertly recruit people to your forum from other sites. This might irritate the owners of the sites though....

You could organize a cleanup in conjunction with the U4 as a sponsoring organizations and that would give you exposure--then write press releases and send them to all the magazines and what not.....

Lots of possibilities.


Eagle Mountain
It's more of an informational website with links attached to vendors where folks can buy parts, accessories and such.

I in no way want to step on any toes in the process of getting traffic to the site.

The site is very new as I said so a lot of work is needed at this point. There are still many things in need of being added to it.

Thank for the input Cody, the more ideas that are thrown my way the better.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
OK. I glanced at your site. It looks like you don't sell anything and you don't have a BB, just more of a site for information.

If your intent is to make money, then I assume you plan on doing it via advertising space and google adsense type programs. If it's a site geared to be informative, you need to find a way to not only get people to your site, but to keep them coming back. The amount of people who would have interest in such a site is relatively small and I don't see substantial growth in the market so there isn't enough people out there to keep it alive on 1 time visits alone.

You need to find a compelling reason to make people bookmark your page. Jaw dropping tech (i.e. Bill Vista from POR), excellent/thorough/clear information about things that people can use as quick reference resource, community (i.e. a BB or some sort of site where people with like interests can congregate), good deals on products, write ups on new products etc etc. The problem is, I think the market has already found it's cap--it's carrying capacity of providers for that information and it would be difficult to break through quickly--if at all. For every line of product out there, there is a dozen different people that will drop ship it to you for cost + almost nothing so that’s a difficult way to go too.

There are already deeply entrenched sites and people that would be difficult to draw hits from--especially with the amount of brand loyalty that exists in this industry. At this point I think you have to find your own niche to have an success. Cruiseroutfitters, NAXJA, Tera+, etc all have a pretty specific target that is relatively static when compared to the rest of the industry.

Anyway, there is a quick 5 minute analysis that you probably already knew.

EDIT: Ok, I read your post. I would probably try and get some websites to go into this as a co-op type of program. They can loan/give you some products to do detailed testing and a great write up , and they can send traffic to you for people to see real world info and you can send traffic back to them to purchase. I guess the difficult thing is being able to show potential vendors value in giving you things and without a clear history of traffic to your site or a easily identifiable reputation within the industry it would be a difficult sell. Could work though......
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Vanilla Gorilla
Worst most useless website ever. Cody is being quite nice about this whole deal and I am glad because I just can't...the website is visually boring, overly verbose, and quite useless. No wonder people don't go there...there is nothing there to go see.

I'm sorry but that is why people don't go there...there is no reason to. You can advertise all you want but if you don't have something quality to offer then you might as well just edit articles on wikipedia about rockcrawling.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
every business idea has to start somewhere. It's not like you're rich because of your amazing business ventures ;)

(but ya, right now it's not much)


Eagle Mountain
I don't even know why I come to RME. The people here are always so rude. All I asked for was some suggestions to make it better, I didn't ask to be told how crappy it already is.


Vanilla Gorilla
I don't even know why I come to RME. The people here are always so rude. All I asked for was some suggestions to make it better, I didn't ask to be told how crappy it already is.
You bought a domain name, some hosting, and you wrote a few paragraphs about offroading. You then posted some links to vendors and are expecting to be some revolutionary in the internet realm when what you have done is join the ranks of the million other offroaders who put up fan sites.

Look, if you can't take criticism then don't put yourself out there. This is not

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I don't even know why I come to RME. The people here are always so rude. All I asked for was some suggestions to make it better, I didn't ask to be told how crappy it already is.

Spencurai aside, who's been rude? I see requests for more information, and some really helpful posts. Don't judge everyone based on one person's pissy comments.


Vanilla Gorilla
Spencurai aside, who's been rude? I see requests for more information, and some really helpful posts. Don't judge everyone based on one person's pissy comments.
Click on my user name, then go to my public profile and add me to your Ignore list...if you have tender trouser bits then it is probably for the best that you never read a post from me ever again.

I'm sorry...I was watching the latest Rocky film and was a little annoyed at how bad it was.

I went back and read your entire website again and it reads like a wikipedia really does! You set things into different categories and talk about them in a very simple way that could be informative to someone who is new to the sport but...why would I go to your site for that information? I know how to use google...I know how to use wikipedia...I know how to use the internet.

If you are going to create a website then create a website to fill a niche'. If you cannot find a unique niche' you are wasting your time. When Greg created this website he was a visionary that knew someday the people around the rocky mountain region would want some place to go, get good tech, get good deals on used parts, and find some excellent links to local vendors.

When Lance started Pirate4x4 he filled a niche for his local area and club that just ended up being a world wide phenomenon. He attracted the best minds in 4x4, he signed some of the best vendors in 4x4 for sponsors, and he offers some of the best tech in 4x4.

What you have to ask yourself is how do you expect to compete for web traffic in an online industry that is already inundated with the best there is?

What are you doing to make your website different and unique?

Do you bring anything new to the table?

Do you have anything to say that hasn't already been said on 1000 other website strewn across the net?

Paul R

Well-Known Member
I don't even know why I come to RME. The people here are always so rude. All I asked for was some suggestions to make it better, I didn't ask to be told how crappy it already is.


While Spence is somewhat abrasive in his comments I agree with him in principle. You have to create some kind of draw, whether by introducing something new or by having an aesthetically pleasing easy to follow information site. In short you need something that people are willing to spend their time on. I checked it out briefly and I couldn't bring myself to read it all, and it was hard to navigate and quite frankly add words piss me off (yes, I know that is how you intend to make the money). I know you are just starting out, but word of mouth I think is your best friend and viral marketing, but you won’t get that if there is no wow factor (people being impressed with your site). I don't mean to be a jerk but I found the site quite boring as well. Now for suggestions on how to make it better, I would make it easier to navigate and better quality pictures and get more balance in your information, it looks very low budget. I would also try to find a balance in being thorough and informational without being to wordy. That is just a start you obviously know you have a long way to go. You have a very competitive market to compete for hits in; most people stick to the bigger sites. That being said, I think you need to grow some skin RME is a great place and if you think people are jerks here you ought to try any of the other major websites dedicated to the sport out there. I myself have found RME to be very helpful and I have met a lot of good friends on here.


Formerly Beardy McGee
what's my impression? "extreme rock crawler"... i read that 5 times in the first paragraph including the title.. One sentance even had it twice.. That's just too much my friend. 8 total throughout the front page...

it got old..

I think with some ingenuity you might have something.. but nobody should expect their site to blossom overnight.. There's been some great info posted to help you out.. which is what you asked for.

When you ask for advice, you gotta be open to ALL advice.

Can we still be friends? :)
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