WHat do you do?


inner city redneck
Salt Lake City
Lets see 4 years of teck school at night and 8000 job hours will let you become a dirty commercial plumber such as myself... Its not the greatest but on avrage a journyman makes about 43,000 a year pluse whatever side work you can drum up and there is usually more than you care to do after busting your butt for 40-45 hours a week.....


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Chiksic said:
One thing I've learned is that your happiness with a job is not a function of what you do completely. It's all about your attitude. I choose everyday to love my job, and I do. It's an easy job to hate, and most of my collegues hate it, but I love it because I choose to. That's the biggest thing you can do for yourself: choose to love your job, whatever it is. Whether you're planning on being there for 3 months or the rest of your life, love it while you're there.
Seriously wise words there. Thanks. ;)

Oh yeah. I work for Verizon in Sales. Pay is good, benefits are awesome, and the hours are strange. I'm a year(ish) away from a BS in Business Management myself, let me know how yours turns out.


Let's Roll For Justice
I'm a Psych major, Don't have a job but i'd like one some day.....
gonna be a Ph.D psychologist and either teach or start a practice.

if anyone needs someone who can weld like a madman let me know ;)


phillippi said:
Me too! The guns/special duties are what make this job great. I have some college and lots of training from work. I have just under 9 yrs until I can retire :D . So far cop life is good.

I have two nephews that are cops in n/utah county. I,ll bet you know em.
As for myself, lets see. Did concrete work with my dad, then framed houses for ten years. Loved it , couldn't make a living do'in it. Went to work at a steel mill for twelve years. Made good money and never been more unhappy and miserable in my life. Went to work for the local school district as a custodian!! Im a head custodian, have my own school. Get to fix things. Push snow, clean up puke!! I've never been happier in my life. Kids for the most part are great! Don't make alot of money, but in my old age I've found that isn't the key to happiness. Plus if i can hang in here long enough, I can still pull a twenty year state retirement.


Guard Rail Tester
I'm a professional college student. Studying math, aviation, and physics. The way I see it is if I stay in school forever they can't collect on the loans :D I also work construction to pay for the non-moving heap in my driveway.


By endurance we conquer
I am in school for my teaching degree. It will take me twice the time as normal to complete it because I only go half time. I am short on time and working 10-15 hours a day making zero money at it :( I own a furniture factory and store. We just went through a major expansion. So, I am poor while trying to get all of the loans paid off that allowed my buisness to grow. Our factory is in mexico. A lot of work, but as we grow the less I work. I have a partner, but he is frequently gone to mexico to keep things running down there. If you go into buisness with someone else make sure you know and trust them. Money makes people crazy. (In the past I have been screwed out of a lot of money by people I thought were my friends.) We have just been doing wholesale for the past 2 years and have recently (6 months) been retailing. Both are rewarding, but are different games all together. It has been very hard to keep up with the orders as our orders have doubled, but production has only slightly increased (need more employees) It is a fun job and I am my own boss. However, only I can be blamed and there is no one to cover for me when I get sick. Working for someone else is usually more stuctured and less stressful. I guess it is up to the person and what makes them happy. Do what makes you happy. Money will mean less if you love what you do.


Sandy, Ut
Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Utah in the mornings, and a small business in the afternoons. Despite my busy school schedule and involved play schedule, I am hanging in there. This year will mark another huge increase in earnings for my company, nearly doubling the first few years... :D


I have done Autoparts, no money (except they give you $.50hr raise when you put in two weeks notice because you just got hired at the "other parts store") the hours suck, people are rude (this is the other job where you can deal with the scum of the earth all day). But it is fast paced and I learned a lot of what I know about cars from working there, I cried all the way home when I quit.
I was a COP for 5 1/2 months, but became one of those guys they tell you about on your first day of the academy, "he got fired because he was badge heavy" (this is not the truth about me but if you heard my story you would think so). My certification is expired so I milk the clock down at the Dairy,(high school required only) it makes me $40k+ a year, enough to pay the house payment, and put gas in the truck that is almost as old as I am.


Registered User
school teacher, 6 years to retirement! love it, money no good, bene's ok, best part JUNE, JULY, AUGUST off. one Masters degree, getting second right now.
You should look into your school for a class called work based learning. I taught it for a couple years. I put students out on internships in every field, they learned quickly if that was what they really wanted to get into.
good luck.

"Find a job you love to do and you will never go to work a day in your life"


Wandering the desert
Lets see I just finished my associates degree from Snow College, and am going to SLCC in January for some prerequisites in order to get into the U's architecture program. I have worked as a Park Ranger aid, a greenskeeper, and I have designed a few homes on the side. Right now I am just waiting to get into SLCC and I will find a job to work around my class schedule (I hope).


Registered User
I am a detailer for a local plate steel fabrication shop. I love working with steel. Benefits aren't so great, and pay isn't either, but I love the discounts I get on things. But I'm young and got tons to learn yet. Am starting to get tired fo drawing the same thing day after day though. Every once in a while you get a challenging contract to work on.


Stop the MADNESS
Herzog said:
<- Graphics & Media bum. :D

I'm with Herzog. 2 years of graphic design school and 4 years experience. I worked alot of different jobs before/during schooling, never liked working hard for someone else that didn't work much at all, so started my own business. Never been happier or more poor in my life, but I enjoy my life and that is what matters the most.

Find something that you enjoy doing. Then find out how to make $ doing it.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Network admin at a local marketing firm (lots of Novell here--haven't worked with that for a few years). I've been in tech support for about 10 years now.....much better than the automotive work I've done before.....


Registered User
Spanish Fork
I am a mechanic for the national guard on weekends and I am a mechanic for them during the week, but that is a federal govt. job. It pays good, and the benefits are pretty good too.


Very cool to hear what everyone does. I have been interior designing for the last 7 years. I work for a company called Majestic Floors and Design. I do the full design package from flooring to furniture and work a lot with builders. :)