What happens when someone pulls a u-turn in front of you at 85mph

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Give it to me strait.
Well, this thread just turn into a finger pointing fest. I think you are all retarded for calling him out on his speeding. When he wasn't driving and when it is clearly the old ladies fault even if they where going 75 it still would have happened it was to close to slow down with a trailer when she came into his lane. She was slowing down not still accelerating and pulling away giving him room to slow down. He is even guessing that it was 3 cars away it could have been 2 no one knows for sure. Maybe everyone should just point their fingers back at themselves instead of at someone when they are down. Just cause you are going 85 doesn't suddenly make you reckless cars and trailers are made to go that speed granted you have to react faster and different in case of emergency, but thats IN CASE not every minute you are driving, and in this case it doesn't matter she was slowing on the FREEWAY!
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