What should I do with this bike?


New Member
Hey all,
I'm kinda torn over what to do with my dualsport.
It's an odd thing-a 2005 MZ-125sm made by MZ Motorrad-und Zweiradwerk in Germany. I really don't know how it got into the US, haven't found another one or any parts for them here. They're made for the UK/Euro market primarily I believe. It weighs about 280lb, has a 124cc displacement engine and produces 15hp. It's top speed is about 60mph. I got it back in December when I got my motorcycle license, and have had fun riding it on trails up near my cabin in California and to/from school. Now, I'm torn as to whether or not to bring it out to Utah or sell it and buy something different. It's power is fine for anything offroad, but it definitely won't go on the highways meaning I'll have to throw it in the truck to get it anywhere. So what would you guys do? Keep it, use it, or sell it? I bought it for 1300 with 1300 miles on it and figure I could probably break even without too much trouble.


Active Member
I'd be scared to death of something stupid happening to it and not being able to get parts halfway easily to fix it. And for me, 125 would put me to sleep on the mountain trails; I don't think it would have enough power to be fun or very capable. Remember the difference in elevation also, your gonna lose power.

But if you are a new rider, and you are happy with how the bike performs... I'd look for an XR200/250 (or any one of the 4 metric bikes) if I were you. Better bikes, better parts, better aftermarket.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
A few things from a quick google search.

MZ is out of business now, so parts might be hard to come by.

1). That bike is not a SM. SM stands for Super Motard. It looks like it has full size wheels whereas a SM bike will have a smaller wheel. Yours is an SX.
2.) I suspected from looking at the frame (swingarm specifically) and the wheels that it is an older design.
3.) It's a six speed. That's kinda cool.

here is their website (in German)

and another interesting one

The motor looks like a decent German designed unit, but the wheels, plastics, frame and swingarm look outdated.
It looks like MZ went bankrupt in 91 got a gov bailout. Then went under in 96 and was bought by a malaysian company (which explains the chinese bike style wheels, frame, swingarm and plastics)
then went under in 08.

Maybe just ride it into the ground until your skills warrant a better bike.
It seems like it would be fine to ride around SLC.

These weird bikes are kind of intriguing to me.


Well-Known Member
Sandy, Utah
That is a cool looking little bike for sure. As mentioned, not being able to find replacement parts would be a challenge to keeping this bike, that and the lack of power. If you are having fun with it then I believe you should keep it until such a time when it is no longer fun. At that point I would consider selling it. Perhaps you could try and list it on over seas sites? Probably not a very realistic plan however as I would imagine the cost of shipping it might not be worth it. Then again, there are 7 billion people on the planet, someone is bound to want it and be willing to pay :-\


New Member
A few things from a quick google search.

MZ is out of business now, so parts might be hard to come by.

1). That bike is not a SM. SM stands for Super Motard. It looks like it has full size wheels whereas a SM bike will have a smaller wheel. Yours is an SX.
2.) I suspected from looking at the frame (swingarm specifically) and the wheels that it is an older design.
3.) It's a six speed. That's kinda cool.

here is their website (in German)

and another interesting one

The motor looks like a decent German designed unit, but the wheels, plastics, frame and swingarm look outdated.
It looks like MZ went bankrupt in 91 got a gov bailout. Then went under in 96 and was bought by a malaysian company (which explains the chinese bike style wheels, frame, swingarm and plastics)
then went under in 08.

Maybe just ride it into the ground until your skills warrant a better bike.
It seems like it would be fine to ride around SLC.

These weird bikes are kind of intriguing to me.

Huh! Thanks so much for that info. Maybe I will hang onto it for a little while. I'm not super worried about parts going out on it. And I'm into it so little that I might as well take it out to the desert and ride it (the 80mpgs will sure come in handy for that). Maybe in a year or so I'll sell it and buy a used KTM somewhere in the 500 range.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
Wow you don't see those everyday :cool: MZ made a street bike with the same Rotax engine as my ATK and I'd love to get my hands on one of those. The internet has made owning rare bikes much easier (I remember my dad trying to find Bultaco parts in the early 90's haha :ugh:) and I'm sure much of the hardware and components can be crossed with other more common makes. Like others have said a 280# 125cc might leave you wanting more... or less depending on how you look at it. I think it's a cool bike it would be fun for certain things.