whats the point

53 willys

Bad speller
I think you need to brew it yourself and run full B100.

Other then that the prices are to close to make it cost effective. I guess it is environmentally friendly too!:)


Well-Known Member
you know, I've always wondered the same thing. I don't know what the price difference is right now but last time I cared it was only about $.10 per gallon difference, with the extra potential problems of filter issues, pump issues, etc I think that extra $3-$4 per tank is worth the piece of mind.


Last I saw people posting it was B100 $2.99 Diesel $3.49 so $15 on a full tank....

I think bio would come down a lot if the production went up.

I know if you make your own bio there is no road tax (obviously) but I don't know if you are paying road tax on it at the pump....

hmmmm I wonder if bio being so detergent would clean out your system if you had run red in your truck.


These go to 11
We put together a whole system of filters and tanks. It turned out to be sooooo much effort and time it ceased to be a cost advantage. And yes you go through mad fuel filters (with home made stuff anyway).

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
Logan Bio = $3.30
Logan Reg #2 = about $3.59

My tankfull of Bio = $112
My tankfull of Reg #2 = $122

Savings = $10
Cost of driving the ROT BOX to work in a week = about $10

Lubrictating, and cleaning injector pump and injectors/ Not supporting countries that hate us/ Using products as fuel that would otherwise go to waste/ Knowing that if there is ever a shortage (in our lifetime :confused:) of fossil fuels that there is still hope/ Making it yourself for about 70 cents a gallon. = PRICELESS :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: