What's your favorite thing about your rig?


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
This isnt the seller I bought them from but the product is the exact same and I think I paid $60 for 4 pads. Although it does seem cheap up front it will cost me dearly with the wife later when she reupholsters the 2 front seats :sick:

Chocolates, some cleaning around the house, taking care of the kids a couple nights after you've drawn her a nice bath, you should be good to go?


Active Member
Hmmm.. I alreadly like seat heaters and I haven't even installed them yet(in the box waiting for me to stop skiing). Favorite thing about my rig is all the new places I've seen with it and people I've met. Definately love the 4 link that Sexton did up front. It always provides a great excuse to go somewhere. I also like spending time in my garage tinkering with it, trying to make it more durable and capable all the time.

Tow rig? Tows everything, New injectors, transmission, and glow plug system runs better than the day I bought it at 268000miles :)
Wifes TJ? Reliable, fun, stockish, and capable.
ZJ? Great heater, easy to park, good in snow, tows snowmobiles, lots of nice features, and comfy seats.
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It's paid for, and finished (for the most part, anyway).

and this

Its works well, can be daily driven, and I don't see others like it.

and mostly this

The memories I've made with friends and family while wheeling and working on it. Every scratch and dent comes with a story.

I love driving it to work as much as I love wheelin' it. In the summer with the big block growlin' and the tires barkin' and the music thumpin' and my bald head shinin' I look like a rollin' midlife crisis and I don't care. Built by my buddies and one of a kind.


Well-Known Member
For sure the seat heaters and seat covers for an open buggy with no cab heater, and the heated blankets for those really cold days, but they didnt last too long...
Rear steer, quiet engine fan, and having a V-8 for when its needed :)
Things I wish I had? Cab heater, a windshield for rainy days, sway bar, More chances to go out like WOTR