Who Was Up AF Canyon Yesterday?


Registered User
Lehi, UT
I got a call back from the forest service yesterday and they asked me if I would testify in court against him.....I said yeah, and so will the 10 other people that were with me.


Registered User
good. as we all know, as for litters don't matter if it's beer cans or pop cans don't trash the trails. :-\


Registered User
I was up mineral basin on Monday. It was in sad shape. There was tons of trash at every campsite. Also there was a lot of off-trail abuse in the muddy meadow areas. Looks like a bunch of vehicles had recently tore up a very wet formerly grassy meadow. Then just above the rock garden where it has the swithback that cuts back hard to the left (and there are 2 seperate "shortcuts" to the switchback) two vehicles tried to make a 3rd "shortcut" between the 2 existing ones. I kindly asked them to stay on the trail.:)

I like the chance to go up mineral basin, but with all of the damage, I'm begining to think they should keep the gate closed until after the hills dry out a lot more.


Registered User
Right after we all saw the Blue TJ off the side of the road AGAIN pulled up on a big rock (which is not part of the trail) we were stopped by about 4 vehicles coming up the trail. we moved our rigs to the side to let them all pass.....2 TJ's a Toyota and a old chevy truck......All were open and running smaller tires which is OK! But the thing that got me was the Driver of the Toyota got out and started to move a small boulder off the trail.. :mad2:

I yelled out HEY!

he turned and i nicely told him not to move rocks! His reply was "I'm not as big as you are and I will hit it with my body". I couldn't belive what i was hearing.........Any body in the world could have drove around it or OVER it but HE had to move it! I told him if he couldn't make it over that then he should be here, there is plenty of room to ride with someone else! You could see the steam coming out of his ears! I also told him that SMALLER vehicles than his have done the trail many times!

Everywhere we go there is Someone that has to move this or stack that. Make the trail wider to get around stuff and I AM SICK OF IT! Like many people have posted about the Snake trails and How wide they are so stock vehicles can drive around all the obsticals instead of through them.

Isn't that the fun part of wheeling........go on trails and try every obstical and see what you need to improve on for next time??

it doesn't matter if you need a strap every now and again.....That is the best way to tell what MODs you should make next! But don't go changing trails just so you can do it!
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Registered User
Clearfield, ut
Cory said:
I like the chance to go up mineral basin, but with all of the damage, I'm begining to think they should keep the gate closed until after the hills dry out a lot more.

bingo..... Stay off the trails in wet conditions to help limit the damage and the temptation of mud boggs for the jackazzez.


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cruiseroutfit said:
I actually have a pic of him on the rock (at home)... but like I said, he was just off the side of the trail broken (front driveshaft?)... Not enough to warrant an earful from me...

Now, the dudes ahead of us drinking beer all day... I could care less if you drink beer on the trail, but take care of your own cans... I did this trail last Saturday and picked up ~50 cans... did it yesterday and picked up another 24 pack :rolleyes:

This is exactly why I hate wheeling in AF Canyon. To many fricking Rednecks. Not that you are advocating it but there should never be opened alcohol containers in a vehicle that is wheeling. Campsite sure, but wheeling no. Anymore if you wheel the canyon you got to hit the trailhead at first light so you can get down before all the inconsidered, hostile, jackoff rednecks start coming up. The las tthing that I want to meet up with on one of the many shelf roads is some redneck that's been drinking beer that cannot negotiate the road with two vehicles side by side. I just might be the downside vehicle.
We were all in the parking lot one day by Tibble Fork when this women is flying up and down the parking lot on an ATV with her "maybe" 4 year old son on the back, of course wearing no helmet, and the first thing that came to my mind is god I hope she gets busted. Sure enough for once there was the authorities and wrote her up. as soon they were gone she got right back on with her son without a helmet and continued to do the same thing.


Registered User
At home
Thhat was a while ago the trees were planted. I have not been up there for a while also. Hey Kurt do ya thing you can get your contacts to gether and set up a BIG work party again? Im game. This time I will not break down in the parking lot:sick: