whos' the douche bag?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I agree. I go to brunch every sunday with a bunch of people. Every week we start at the same time, noon. I'm always there at noon, and I'm usually alone until about 10-15 after. The group all is there by about 12:45. It's funny how few people actually are concerned about wasting other people's time.


I agree. I go to brunch every sunday with a bunch of people. Every week we start at the same time, noon. I'm always there at noon, and I'm usually alone until about 10-15 after. The group all is there by about 12:45. It's funny how few people actually are concerned about wasting other people's time.


I'm only late if I forget about it or I'm hung over


Well-Known Member
Sorry for those I offend....

I just moved here from Boise (about a month) I have yet to meet someone (rme excluded) that has shown up, or done what they say on time.

I have been told by many locals that I need to learn what "Mormon time" is and just expect it to happen that way.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
hhmm, crazy. I've lived here 27 years and can't say that I've ever heard of Mormon time--other than a casual joke in passing I guess.

i call it, indifferent people time.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
Thats true he did say that. Furthermore, not even Brett is filthy enough to have any reason to drive out to tooele, so it couldn't have been him. ;)


Dood, you just violated an unspoken general internet forum rule. You can't "zing" your own post. That's like putting "OMFGROTLMFAOBBQxeleventygajillion!!!uno!!1" after a joke. It's like sitting around with your buddies and saying a great one-liner, then asking for a response. "That was funny, wasn't it guys? Pretty good? Huh?" It just doesn't work. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
you people are only here for my amusement. I don't expect or require any approval other than my own.

Whoever it was, his brother crossed 2-3 lanes and pulled right in front of me on I-15 yesterday. I was getting on southbound on 33rd. I usually follow the lane most of the way to 45th, to get past the traffic. I saw him coming and was able to pull into the right hand emergency lane to avoid a collision.

Did I mention I was pulling a trailer?

Brett (defines Mo standard time)


Boise Idaho
The white XJ in question was on 1-15, and it was on big tires...Probably 37s but i know that even 35s look huge on an XJ so i'm not sure.
I didn't know cops would give 2 shats if you called them about a nut driver.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
tell them you think they might be drunk! I had 4 cops respond to my call the other night. Followed a guy from the 80-15 split all the way to his house near the Grist Mill... cops trying to catch up the entire way. I was pleased. :D


Formerly WJ ZUK
tell them you think they might be drunk! I had 4 cops respond to my call the other night. Followed a guy from the 80-15 split all the way to his house near the Grist Mill... cops trying to catch up the entire way. I was pleased. :D

What kind of vehicle? Was it a big suburban with a smashed front bumper and giant RME sticker:rofl:


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
if you say YOU want to press charges they have to respond but if your not going to press charges they will just say they will try to get someone out there... the cops can't do anything unless they witness it first hand but if you see it and press charges you better be ready to go to court to defend it...


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
What kind of vehicle? Was it a big suburban with a smashed front bumper and giant RME sticker:rofl:

uh, you might have quoted the wrong post, Keeeeel. I did not chase myself. :cody: :D

if you say YOU want to press charges they have to respond but if your not going to press charges they will just say they will try to get someone out there... the cops can't do anything unless they witness it first hand but if you see it and press charges you better be ready to go to court to defend it...

I am fully prepared to go to court. :D I f'ing HATE drunk drivers.


Mead, WA
I think it's gotten worse over the past year or so.... It's worse than it was when I lived here 10/06 and worse then when I moved here in 6/04 and way worse than when I would visit as well...

Seriously. I'm pulling a trailer at 65 in the #3 lane and EVERYTHING moving was cutting me off and tailgating. It's amazing there aren't more accidents/deaths....:ugh: