Winter 4x4 jamboree!


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
Last night, we had a great meeting with the Desert Roads And Trails Society (Desert RATS). The purpose of the meeting was to review the 2015 Winter 4x4 Jamboree and announce the final figures.

We went through the processes and everyone contributed how we can improve this event for the participants, sponsors, vendors, trail crews, and registration. We came up with a few suggested changes that we will be excited to announce later in the year, after we have had a chance to get more feedback and fine tune them.

Corey, Desert RATS Treasurer, gave us the final figures for the event. The important numbers are that after all the bills were paid for insurance, BLM fees, State Park Fees, building rent, caterer, swag, rentals, advertising, web site, and signage, we ended up with just over $18,000 in the bank.

Desert RATS decided to put $5,000 into escrow to cover next year’s deposits and much-needed web site improvements for both the Winter 4x4 Jamboree and Desert RATS forum sites. That left $13,000 to be donated to land use, primarily focused on fighting against the 1,200 acre land exchange in the Sand Hollow/Sand Mountain/Hurricane Sand Dunes area. As promised, 65% of the proceeds ($8,450) will be paid to Utah Public Lands Alliance and 35% ($4,550) will be paid to Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association. UPLA and U4WDA will both contribute $100 each to the Blue Ribbon Coalition.

Thanks to all the people on RME Forum who helped us get the word out and who participated in the event. It is really significant that so many clubs and individuals from Northern Utah supported this event. Desert RATS welcomes you and all your friends back for the 2016 Winter 4x4 Jamboree on January 22[SUP]nd[/SUP] and 23[SUP]rd[/SUP], 2016!

CANT WAIT!!! Thanks again for the awesome event!!!


Registered User
Arm Utah
Thanks for the follow up and congratulations on the success of the event. there's so much work that goes into doing that. Very cool Meach.