XJ Recovered


Hill AFB
Wayne and his friend Barry helped us get that rolled stripped XJ out. When I say they helped, I mean they are pretty much totally responsible for getting it out. Thanks, guys. The bummer is that during the week someone took the plug wires and chucked rocks at it. All the glass was blown out and the roof was stomped down further. We tow strapped it about 1/3 of the way down until it was all down hill to the staging area where the trailer was waiting. Then we unstrapped and let Mr Newton do all the work. I rode it down, and aside from eating more dirt than I ever thought possible it was the best soap box derby ride ever! Pics to come...


Mead, WA
No thanks necessary, seriously. You're active military...If anyone deserves the praise you do!

We still can't believe how far out there, and down the side of the hill it was. How many straps/chains/cables did we end up using? I brought 2-30', 2-6', a 20' chain and 75' cable. Barry had another 30' strap and a 150' cable. I know someone else had a 20' strap that we used as well. Seeing how everyone else did all the work, while I sat in my Jeep on a 40* incline keeping it on the hill, I didn't really get to see how everything was hooked up...

I know we had rolled XJ, 6' strap through the front clip and around the sway bar, to a 20' strap to my 75' cable in my winch. Then hooked to me I think was 2-30' straps hooked up to Barry's 150' cable in his winch. Then I think his Rubicon was strapped with the other 6' strap to a Suburban.

My fear was when we started moving the XJ up the hill, in the same off camber situation that caused you to roll, that it would tether on my winch cable and roll again. Since it was so close to the edge of the much larger canyon, my major fear was it rolling down there and pulling me with it. Being hooked up to two other rigs up on flat ground worked out nicely. While pulling that way, it wasn't coming up the hill, it was riding that flat area. Then having a full size Bronco drive down along side me, we were able to get a chain and snatch block on him so I would be pulling the XJ kind of straight up the hill it rolled down. There were times the XJ's front end was stuck and I was lifting the rear end up off the ground. I bet at times the back wheels were at least 10' off the ground. I was also starting to get concerned about pulling the Bronco sideways and either popping his bead, or even worse, breaking his leaf springs.

After we rocovered the XJ, we then had to recover the Bronco we sent down the hill. That was much easier, with it on somewhat of a road and able to drive on it's own power! :D

Good times!!! :D :eek:


Registered User
sounds like you guys had some fun! I'm kind of dissapointed I missed the out on the party I was planning to head up there but I got working on my 4runner and it took longer than expected. Glad to see you got it out of there though.


Hill AFB
Wayne, I've still got your furinture blanket I sat on to keep the glass out of my rear. Don't let me forget about it. Maybe sometime you can show us some trails in your neck of the woods. Either way I'll get your blanket to you.


Mead, WA
aerocorey said:
Wayne, I've still got your furinture blanket I sat on to keep the glass out of my rear. Don't let me forget about it. Maybe sometime you can show us some trails in your neck of the woods. Either way I'll get your blanket to you.
Deal! :D


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
Speaking of local trails, Wayne, were you aware all the foothills above your house are closed and you can get a trespassing ticket and watershed violation ticket? Trust me, I know first-hand. :mad2: The sherriff said that whole mountainside from Provo Canyon to American Fork Canyon is off limits, posted or not. Don't let them catch you up there...



Mead, WA
A week late, but here are the pics! You can see more by going here...

Me hooked to the Cherokee...

Barry hooked to me....

Suburban hooked to Barry...

Full size Bronco used as an anchor for the snatch block...


Rolled Cherokee out of the canyon....


Mead, WA
Taco4life said:
How did it roll there?
Like I said before, the pictures don't do the hill justice - it's much steeper than it appears! The road off to the left is also very loose. The driver said he ruined a tire trying to get back up it, went down the hill and put the spare on and tried it again. Wasn't having any luck, so he tried off to the side in the veg'ed area, front end slid around and down the side of the canyon they went. Lucky for them they only rolled twice and landed on a small shelf. Had they rolled ~1 more time, it would have went to the bottom of the canyon and killed both of them (he and his wife). They were very lucky....


Mead, WA
krazz1e said:
pics are broke, and the link. which i'm sure there is correlation.
It's fixed now... my &*&^** host keeps on changing the permissions to my website folders! Er, actually they say nobody does it... So it must happen on it's own....:rolleyes:


Registered User
waynehartwig said:
Like I said before, the pictures don't do the hill justice - it's much steeper than it appears! The road off to the left is also very loose. The driver said he ruined a tire trying to get back up it, went down the hill and put the spare on and tried it again. Wasn't having any luck, so he tried off to the side in the veg'ed area, front end slid around and down the side of the canyon they went. Lucky for them they only rolled twice and landed on a small shelf. Had they rolled ~1 more time, it would have went to the bottom of the canyon and killed both of them (he and his wife). They were very lucky....

I must be mistaken of where this is...I was up there this friday and saturday in the same area and dont remember an area steep enough to roll. Does anyone have any more description of where this happaned?


Mead, WA
Taco4life said:
I must be mistaken of where this is...I was up there this friday and saturday in the same area and dont remember an area steep enough to roll. Does anyone have any more description of where this happaned?
I'm not exactly sure where we were at... I know we took Skyline drive up to the top and turned down a road that I think is the Great Western Trail and went over to the Sessions Mountains. Again, I'm not 100% sure as I don't know the area well at all... I know that road he was on was for Questar's gas pipeline... But how many of those are out there?


Mead, WA
Here is pictures of my carnage so far....
I ruined the front gears - backlash went from .010 to ~.030".

This is the front upper control arm. Notice the bolt went right through the bushing and then egg shaped the housing!


These are pictures of the crossmember. Notice the crack by the lower (rear) control arm mounts - on both sides!





Mead, WA
Brett said:
I bet RE would warranty that for you ;)
They are! :D They are the reason I took the pictures... They didn't believe I did what I did, and wanted to see the pics. They are getting quite the stash of parts from me! I've bent 5 of their rear lower control arms, 2 of their front lowers and destroyed those uppers in the pictures. I've also broken one of their coils.... All have been warranteed, no qestions asked..Well, they have wanted to see pictures, but otherwise...


waynehartwig said:
They are! :D They are the reason I took the pictures... They didn't believe I did what I did, and wanted to see the pics. They are getting quite the stash of parts from me! I've bent 5 of their rear lower control arms, 2 of their front lowers and destroyed those uppers in the pictures. I've also broken one of their coils.... All have been warranteed, no qestions asked..Well, they have wanted to see pictures, but otherwise...

The only problem I ever with their stuff was the bushings on my lower arms went bad two weeks after I installed them. I didn't even know about it till I was talking to a customer at Mepco and he said they got a bad shipment. Went and checked mine and the bushings had come half way out of the arms. RE sent me new ones, no questions either :greg: