

I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
The underlying causes need to be addressed, both those associated with race and policing.


According to this graph, the 'underlying problem' is being dealt with. Almost solid declines in shootings of all races. Also, a significant more white people are shot each year than black people. Claiming racism every time a horrible person is shot doesn't make it racism. This last joker would have been shot no matter what his color was. He should have been shot when he sexually assaulted his underage ex girlfriend. then we wouldn't even be in this situation.


Who Dares Wins
I see absolutely no way to defend a 17 year old with a rifle at a demonstration miles from his home shooting anyone in 'self-defense.' You can look for/cause trouble then claim self-defense.

Most of the rioters are not from Kenosha, what say you about their behavior? OK to travel to destroy peoples livelihoods? And lets stop the charade that these are "peaceful protesters". It seems that pretty much every protest devolves into a riot these days and the people at the protest at 5pm are the same people looting a Foot Locker at 10pm.

Lets face it, this was sadly inevitable considering what is happening in these places. If the State refuses to protects the lives and property of its citizens, then citizens will eventually go Old West and take matter into their own hands. This is literally the reason that the 2nd Amendment exists. The young man who shot the three rioters may not have been from Kenosha, and at this point we are not sure why exactly he was there, but it seemed that his intentions where not to stir up shit; unless you're one of those people who think the mere sight of a gun is instigation of violence. If that's the case, then I can't help you, only a therapist can. He was provoked, that's pretty obvious. Both with rioters taunting him, then hitting him with stuff. And I'm sorry, a skateboard is not a plush toy, its a deadly weapon if you're swinging for someones head. This is a pretty clear cut case of self-defense. Sadly, I think the young man is going to end up being made an example and have the book thrown at him.
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Who Dares Wins
View attachment 130369

According to this graph, the 'underlying problem' is being dealt with. Almost solid declines in shootings of all races. Also, a significant more white people are shot each year than black people. Claiming racism every time a horrible person is shot doesn't make it racism. This last joker would have been shot no matter what his color was. He should have been shot when he sexually assaulted his underage ex girlfriend. then we wouldn't even be in this situation.
Where is that graph from? Is that the Washington Post data?


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
I see absolutely no way to defend a 17 year old with a rifle at a demonstration miles from his home shooting anyone in 'self-defense.' You can look for/cause trouble then claim self-defense.

Nor should we justify/accept police killings of civilians except as an absolute last resort when innocent life is in immediate danger. While recognizing the extremely difficult job police have, I think as a society we have become far to accepting of police shootings by using justifications of 'resisting arrest', 'not following directions' or referring to the person's past criminal convictions. None of those can Constitutionally or morally be seen as justification for killing a suspect.

The riots and damage being done need to be brought under control- no question about it. But I do not see that happening by force alone. The underlying causes need to be addressed, both those associated with race and policing.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Seems pretty clear cut to me, I’m standing my ground. Angry mob chases me unprovoked, thug hits me in head with skateboard I’m going to shoot. I continue to try and retreat I’m pursued and Molotov cocktails thrown at me, taken to the ground by an armed (felon) I’m going to shoot.

Plenty of video of one of the dead criminals provoking as you like to say Kyle for several minutes. The criminal, a white guy calling Kyle a nigger and telling him to shoot him. Who’s provoking who?

His age and being from out of town is irrelevant. A 17 year old willing to stand up to these criminals and defend this country from domestic terrorism gives me hope I haven’t had for our future in sometime.
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Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


Seems pretty clear cut to me, I’m standing my ground. Angry mob chases me unprovoked, thug hits me in head with skateboard I’m going to shoot. I continue to try and retreat I’m pursued and Molotov cocktails thrown at me, taken to the ground by an armed (felon) I’m going to shoot. Plenty of video of one of the dead criminals provoking as you like to say Kyle for several minutes. The criminal, a white guy calling Kyle a nigger and telling him to shoot him. Who’s provoking who?

His age and being from out of town is irrelevant. A 17 year old willing to stand up to these criminals and defend this country from domestic terrorism gives me hope I haven’t had for our future in sometime.

I'd say that kid is 100% exercising 2A for a lot of the reasons we have it in the first place.


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
And here is the problem and why this is happening. Headline taken just now from the Commie News Network

Authorities finally give their first version of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, three days later

"Finally" gave them a whole three days to do some investigation. The instant gratification needed by the news and this nation is what is causing all the bullshit. Trial by media minutes after the situation. They call for transparency, and justice but want it immediately..... that cannot happen.

And why does this needed to be worded like this?

On Thursday afternoon, an all-White group of local officials held a press conference to praise peaceful protesters and discuss the law enforcement response to prevent rioting in the city.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
And why does this needed to be worded like this?

On Thursday afternoon, an all-White group of local officials held a press conference to praise peaceful protesters and discuss the law enforcement response to prevent rioting in the city.

Divided we are weak. Conflict is job security for politicians.........until the conflict swings so far that people start to stand up and pay attention. When this was a slow burn, there were a lot of people who did not really pay attention to it and I think that is why the [D] party did not condemn the actions. Things are getting to the point where people are starting to take notice of what is going on and are getting fed up with the anarchy. Have you noticed that Biden is trying to rework his defund the police messaging?


Who Dares Wins
Here's a great example: Mike Pense and Jared Kushner both missed incredible opportunities to help their party, their campaign, the NBA, and our country. Lots of people are watching the developing story about NBA players perhaps boycotting the rest of the season in protest. In their commentary over yesterday's boycott where a team refused to play in protest of current events, neither seemed to praise that men are elevating their voices and putting livelihoods on the line to support a cause and then ASK THEM FOR HELP TO DO MORE - so now they're aligned. (Think about how that could prompt on-the-fence voters to reflect on that, empower people of influence to help quell a lot of emotional madness, and get moving forward on issues.)

OK... How exactly are these multi-millionaires "putting their livelihoods on the line"? If they boycott, my understanding is that they still get paid. Unless the team or league goes under; which would be capitalism at work. So good. Provide the product you're being paid for, or go out of business.
Also, when a LeBron James lectures people about how horrible the police are in the US, then the next sentence is praising China where secret police are literally hunting down pro-democracy advocates and their families in Hong Kong then disappearing them; I just kinda tune out. The NBA has got to get its house in order before it wants to take the moral high ground on pretty much anything.

Instead, they further stoked divide, by challenging them and calling it absurd and by connecting the story to a different issue (jobs) by saying "they're lucky to be able to take a night off from work."

And how is this more divisive than what you suggested above? It is nice that millionaire NBA players can just walk off the job without consequence. I can't do that. Can you? Sportsball is a business. The players are entertainers and they get paid to entertain. If they aren't doing that, then f'em.
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Registered User
View attachment 130369

According to this graph, the 'underlying problem' is being dealt with. Almost solid declines in shootings of all races.
Not sure how you are figuring that based on that graph police killings are being dealt with- 987 in 2017, 996 in 2018 and 1004 in 2019. You can't say squat about 2020 when the year isn't over.

Lets face it, this was sadly inevitable considering what is happening in these places. If the State refuses to protects the lives and property of its citizens, then citizens will eventually go Old West and take matter into their own hands. This is literally the reason that the 2nd Amendment exists. The young man who shot the three rioters may not have been from Kenosha, and at this point we are not sure why exactly he was there, but it seemed that his intentions where not to stir up shit
Police were present (note the articles that praise him specifically reference him talking to the police throughout the day.) I will stand by the claim that a 17 year old has no business arming himself and taking on the role of public protector.

All 3 of the ones he shot were criminals.... headshot dude was a registered sex offender pedo. Bicep-be-gone guy is a felon... etc. Skate-or-die was also a violent criminal. How about that.

Doesn't give anyone the right to kill them. "Law and order" is not about citizens or police killing 'thugs and criminals'. Thankfully there are Constitutional amendments that regulate trials and punishment.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
...Doesn't give anyone the right to kill them. "Law and order" is not about citizens or police killing 'thugs and criminals'. Thankfully there are Constitutional amendments that regulate trials and punishment.

I DON’T want to put myself in a position to kill anyone. Worst nightmare I can imagine. HOWEVER, I WILL defend myself up to and including deadly force. I will defend myself from a mob. It may be my last act but there will be some folks at the pearly gates with me that I took their life while they were taking mine.

These “protesters “ (I’ll argue they are rioters) that are hitting folks with skateboards, kicking people in the heads when they are laying in the street, curb stoping folks and whatever else deserve whatever they have coming to them. They left the “peaceful protest” behind when they started that behavior
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