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    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Any Mtn Bikers on RME?.
      So I decided I need to get my phat butt back on my bike. Of course, both tires are flat. I have just enough sealant to do both so I...
    • frieed
      frieed reacted to Kevin B.'s post in the thread Your Pic of The Day with Like Like.
      Flashback to a interesting recovery out by Little Moab with @Tonkaman, @mbryson, and @frieed.
    • frieed
      frieed reacted to Kevin B.'s post in the thread The Ham Radio Thread with Like Like.
      Already taken care of, it's a bad antenna. Fell apart in my hands while we were messing with it. Thanks though!
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread The Ham Radio Thread.
      I have the same available
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Backpacking chair for the obese?.
      I made a small grill out of stainless filler rod to bridge the gap on my two burner stove to set a can of beans on it without falling over.
    • frieed
      frieed reacted to Pile of parts's post in the thread Spotted with Like Like.
      This just looked fun!
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread EcoBoost.
      They call me as well and I always give the same answer.. "All new trucks come with a feature I can't tolerate" "What's that?" "Payments"
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Dream job?.
      Did all my travel in the 80's when I was single. Work sent me to Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Italy, New Zealand...
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Lighten the mood.
      My wife complains about the dogs whining all the time so she gives them treats to shut them up..:rofl: They have trained her well. She's...
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread EcoBoost.
      still happy with my 2013 but only 108K on the odo. Seeing your mileage makes me happy.
    • frieed
      Oh man.... that sucks, but please post pictures..
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Welding Hood you love?.
      @cruiseroutfit, I'm running with an Optrel Crystal 2.0, fantastic hood, but the price, ouch, but in your price range. You can try mine...
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Smoked Meat is Awesome!.
      here you go @Kevin B. Shamelessly stolen from some other forum. I use a high-speed immersion blender to emulsify the mustard sauce..
      • sauces.png
    • frieed
      frieed replied to the thread Offset Smoker Build.
    • frieed
      I'm using a 34" monitor (3440x1440) that I much prefer it to two separate monitors...
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