3rd Annual St. George Winter Riding Trip


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member

Santa Clara ride Saturday
This is one of my favorite area. We even did some technical single track up in the mountains and reached some snow.

Created by Google My Tracks on Android

Name: Santa Clara. Cove Wash+ Stuck At Gate
Activity type: biking
Description: -
Total distance: 56.43 km (35.1 mi)
Total time: 3:33:54
Moving time: 2:29:45
Average speed: 15.83 km/h (9.8 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 22.61 km/h (14.0 mi/h)
Max speed: 85.11 km/h (52.9 mi/h)
Average pace: 3:47 min/km (6:06 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 2:39 min/km (4:16 min/mi)
Fastest pace: 0:42 min/km (1:08 min/mi)
Max elevation: 1324 m (4345 ft)
Min elevation: 811 m (2661 ft)
Elevation gain: 1184 m (3886 ft)
Max grade: 20 %
Min grade: -25 %
Recorded: 1/23/2016 11:08 AM


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Lets do it again in a month. Greg, I can be in charge of getting you a scoot

I hate the idea of riding someone elses bike... and I'm already a bit rusty on the dirtbike, so the result wouldn't be good. Hopefully if I can swing it, I'll have something by Summertime again.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Part of me really wishes I would have jumped on board and came with. Part of me thinks man... I'm too old for that sh@t :rofl:

Looks like a good time!
Take it from me, you're never too old. I'm over 50 and though I'm not as fast as these young guys, I eventually catch up to them when they stop.

Paul, I may be down there either that weekend or the weekend after. I will ask my cuter half.