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East Stabbington
way2nosty said:
I have the same card I originally used it with a ata 133 drive, but the bus speed caused glitches writing at 5.3 MBps CBR MPEG4. some of the software that comes with it is pretty cool. I ended up going to a SATA Raid 10 array on a cerc 6 controller. it uses a write then stripe mechanism that increases write speed because it can effectively write to the buffer on the card then the card stripes to the drives. I put a 512Mb ECC Chip on the Raid card.

I don't know what that all means but for some reason I think this video card is not integrating into my motherboard or something. My computer likes to freez up in the middle of ripping cd's or other random tasks. I have a '939dual-sata2' motherboard (at least thats what is written on the front of the manual) and the last video card I got from ATI (some other allin wonder pci or something vid card) it wouldn't work at all with what I have. I"m getting frustrated....

at any rate, if I want to record stuff off of my cable, whats the easiest way? just use the software that came with the vid card?
