EJS no longer to be at Easter?


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
Sissio18 said:
If you want a restricted serious 4wheeling expedition, build a dirt mound in your backyard, invite over some buddies, and have a beer or two. Be careful...dont let things get TOO wild...
Hey man, This IS their backyard, and we all should respect it as such. -_-

I think the event should be held earlier, late Feb or early March. Cool weather tends to limit peoples willingness to make an ass of themselves.


Sandy, UT
theferg said:
Sounds like a pretty good idea. But I'm gonna bet it will still be outta hand during Easter. -Ferg-

The important thing here is disassociating the RR4W and the official Jeep Safari from the hellions. If anything bad happens during that time period the RR4W automatically get blamed, particularly by the greenie weenies. Generally speaking, the official Safari groups are well mannered, stay on trail, etc. etc. Having the official Safari later would help seperate the two.


Go raise hell on your own time. In fact, go down during easter so we can see your mug in the paper, doing things you shouldn't be doing. The rest of us "mothers" will be down three weeks later, having just as much fun and not worrying about being run over by some drunk asshat spring breaker.



Well-Known Member
Logan, Utah
Sissio18 said:
No! bad idea! I think changing the date is a selfish attempt to have the obsessive 4hweelers suck the fun out of absolutely everything. In my opinion, by changing the date to achieve a "more serious" 4wheeling outing, youre taking away tradition and the whole reason half the people show up for. Its not supposed to be some huge serious sheltered experience. People go to get drunk, laugh, and have an absolute blast. I was there last year, and the biggest impression i got was people having the time of their lives, but obviously kicking back and havin a blast isnt what should be going on over a TRADITIONAL 4WHEELING HOLIDAY. Apparently we're supposed to sit back and let the "serious" 4hweelers have complete decision and take over the point of the whole safari experience and turn it into some dull, bland event. Since when did we all start turning into our mothers? Everyone looks forward to easter, because its jeep safari! thats the way most 4wheeling admirers look forward to. So change the date, and watch the holiday be something so ridiculously dull that even the local paper wont show up for, let alone half the jeep safari population. If you want a restricted serious 4wheeling expedition, build a dirt mound in your backyard, invite over some buddies, and have a beer or two. Be careful...dont let things get TOO wild...

You're a 'tard. EJS has ben around for 38 years, and has only recently turned into the immature frat party. Getting rid of the clowns by changing the date it's held will not "ruin" EJS. Party at home when you parents are gone, the rest of us go to EJS to wheel.

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
tv_larsen said:
You're a 'tard. EJS has ben around for 38 years, and has only recently turned into the immature frat party. Getting rid of the clowns by changing the date it's held will not "ruin" EJS. Party at home when you parents are gone, the rest of us go to EJS to wheel.


The EJS was not created to be a spring breaker destination. It was created by people witha love of getting together to go wheeling.


Sandy, Ut
Sissio18 said:
...youre taking away tradition and the whole reason half the people show up for. ... People go to get drunk, laugh, and have an absolute blast.

Your knowldege on the subject precedes you... :rolleyes:

EJS was actually started by the Moab Chamber of Commerce to help promote travel and tourism in the area, not partying!

As the event grew each year (it was a single day event for years)... the Council realized that they needed to pass the responsibilities on to a special interest group, thus the Red Rock 4 Wheelers were formed.

I was there last year, and the biggest impression i got was people having the time of their lives, but obviously kicking back and havin a blast isnt what should be going on over a TRADITIONAL 4WHEELING HOLIDAY.

Once again, your lack of insight is amazing... take of the blinders pal.. the place gets trashed and our sport gets a bad name from the greeinies (who have alot more power than you realize) each year at Easter.

So change the date, and watch the holiday be something so ridiculously dull that even the local paper wont show up for, let alone half the jeep safari population

Wrong again... your definition of "Jeep Safari population" is very flawed logic... Most of the people you described (an I'm sure you) are NOT paying Jeep Safari participants.. so you can call yourself.. a "Easter Moab Participant"... nothing else...

I support any decision the fine folks at RR4W (that do ALOT to keep these trails open for EVERYONE to use) decide they deem best.

Kudos again to RR4W.. Thanks for all you do!


somewhat damaged
Sissio18 said:
No! bad idea! I think changing the date is a selfish attempt to have the obsessive 4hweelers suck the fun out of absolutely everything. In my opinion, by changing the date to achieve a "more serious" 4wheeling outing, youre taking away tradition and the whole reason half the people show up for. Its not supposed to be some huge serious sheltered experience. People go to get drunk, laugh, and have an absolute blast. I was there last year, and the biggest impression i got was people having the time of their lives, but obviously kicking back and havin a blast isnt what should be going on over a TRADITIONAL 4WHEELING HOLIDAY. Apparently we're supposed to sit back and let the "serious" 4hweelers have complete decision and take over the point of the whole safari experience and turn it into some dull, bland event. Since when did we all start turning into our mothers? Everyone looks forward to easter, because its jeep safari! thats the way most 4wheeling admirers look forward to. So change the date, and watch the holiday be something so ridiculously dull that even the local paper wont show up for, let alone half the jeep safari population. If you want a restricted serious 4wheeling expedition, build a dirt mound in your backyard, invite over some buddies, and have a beer or two. Be careful...dont let things get TOO wild...

I think you are a great example as to why they should change the date of EJS. Party on EJS? Hell yeah we do, but we don't stumble around like a bunch of donkey kong tool bags, tear up the place and litter. You don't even know the history and traditions of EJS... :rolleyes:


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
Herzog said:
I think you are a great example as to why they should change the date of EJS. Party on EJS? Hell yeah we do, but we don't stumble around like a bunch of donkey kong tool bags, tear up the place and litter. You don't even know the history and traditions of EJS... :rolleyes:
I couldn't agree more.

btw.....Kurt...how the hell did you get so damn smart?


Registered User
tv_larsen said:
You're a 'tard.
wow! them be fightin words!
hey you all asked for opinions, sissio is just giving theirs. we are all wheelers here, some like to party, some dont, just like some like toyotas, some like samurias, and for some reason, some even like jeeps but thats ok cuz we love 4wheeling.
you dont have to agree with other people, just dont get mad at others for what they like


sugar house
Sissio18 said:
you dont have to agree with other people, just dont get mad at others for what they like
i agree, thats one of the reasons for having a forum, is to share opinions, we shouldnt get mad when they want to give their two cents


Well-Known Member
i agree, thats one of the reasons for having a forum, is to share opinions, we shouldnt get mad when they want to give their two cents

just the same as someone shouldn't get their panties in a bunch when somone else points out the flaws in their reasoning;)

I think it shold be moved...I would love to go to a Safari but as of right now and the direction its heading I have absolutely zero interest in attending :-\

I have 360 some odd days of the year remaining I can get down there:D


Registered User
lol thats beautiful Kurt! doing what you do! im sorry i forgot! youre "god" when it comes to 4wheeling! youre all knowing and everyone else around you can barely live up to your knowledgeable expectations. this is made for opinions and if you dont like anything else but youre own, well i dont know what to tell ya. start a religion. I know what i know. I base my opinions on what my own eyes see. Sorry if thats different from yours but maybe you need to accept that maybe a different view exists? You think im some drunk partier? No im someone who likes to go out and have a good time. Im not gonna sit back and let you "4wheeling gods" run ur own little shindig because god forbid, i dont breathe and sleep 4hweeling. I like it. Its fun to watch, sometimes fun to do! I have a blast! So if youre going to sit and complain..."oh the people who like to have fun are here! theyre ruining my life!" my advice would be to maybe get over it? I refuse to be ashamed for my opinion and what my own eyes see and perceive. I dont need specific facts and dates and names to justify my own personal opinion. If youre trying to make urself look even more egotistical, youre doing fantastic! But if youre trying to justify the opposite of my opinion, as they say..."dont quit your day job".


somewhat damaged
Sissio18 said:
lol thats beautiful Kurt! doing what you do! im sorry i forgot! youre "god" when it comes to 4wheeling! youre all knowing and everyone else around you can barely live up to your knowledgeable expectations. this is made for opinions and if you dont like anything else but youre own, well i dont know what to tell ya. start a religion. I know what i know. I base my opinions on what my own eyes see. Sorry if thats different from yours but maybe you need to accept that maybe a different view exists? You think im some drunk partier? No im someone who likes to go out and have a good time. Im not gonna sit back and let you "4wheeling gods" run ur own little shindig because god forbid, i dont breathe and sleep 4hweeling. I like it. Its fun to watch, sometimes fun to do! I have a blast! So if youre going to sit and complain..."oh the people who like to have fun are here! theyre ruining my life!" my advice would be to maybe get over it? I refuse to be ashamed for my opinion and what my own eyes see and perceive. I dont need specific facts and dates and names to justify my own personal opinion. If youre trying to make urself look even more egotistical, youre doing fantastic! But if youre trying to justify the opposite of my opinion, as they say..."dont quit your day job".

I think you might have some personal issues if you think that all the 4x4 "Gods" :rolleyes: don't want you to have a good time.

Your probably a cool person and nobody has a problem with having fun, it's just when you get about 5,000 of those people leaching off the sport during EJS, it ruins it for those who are there for the sport and adventure. :)


Well-Known Member
Sissio18 said:
You think im some drunk partier? No im someone who likes to go out and have a good time. Im not gonna sit back and let you "4wheeling gods" run ur own little shindig because god forbid

Ok well Kurt HAS to run his SHINDIG. He is the Pres. of the U4WDA.

Sissio18 said:
youre taking away tradition and the whole reason half the people show up for.

UHM OK. 1/2

Sissio18 said:
People go to get drunk, laugh, and have an absolute blast.

Easter Drunk Safari ok....

Sissio18 said:
because its jeep safari!

Yes its a JEEP SAFARI Not Drunk safari

Sissio18 said:
So change the date, and watch the holiday be something so ridiculously dull that even the local paper wont show up for, let alone half the jeep safari population..

Cause in IMHO Half of us will be at a different Safari


Sandy, Ut
Sissio18 said:
lol thats beautiful Kurt! doing what you do! im sorry i forgot! youre "god" when it comes to 4wheeling! youre all knowing and everyone else around you can barely live up to your knowledgeable expectations...

:rofl: I would like the record to reflect, those are your words not mine... Its funny how defensive people get when you present them (you) the facts!

this is made for opinions and if you dont like anything else but youre own,

I actually like alot of people opinions... just not yours... :D

well i dont know what to tell ya. start a religion.

Actually been toying with the idea for some time... but my Sundays are usually spent wheeling.. not planning what to wear at the next Jeep Safari...

I know what i know. I base my opinions on what my own eyes see. Sorry if thats different from yours but maybe you need to accept that maybe a different view exists?

I know the different aspects of Moab very well... I have been going for the last 8 years, and have been on both sides of the realm... Been to the parties... no sweat, I NEVER said partying is a carnal sin... you assumed it... :rolleyes:

You think im some drunk partier? No im someone who likes to go out and have a good time...

I wouldn't know, you are yet to tell us about yourself... yet to explain your side other than it is "fun"... the ball is in your court to argue.. not mine... my opinion is based on fact... the fact that RR4W have run the even for 20+ years and can run it how and WHEN they want.. simple as that... Want to change that? Join RR4W and vote otherwise...

BTW... Tool Time!!!



Sandy, Ut
Sissio18 said:
...sissio is just giving theirs... we are all wheelers here...we love 4wheeling...you dont have to agree with other people, just dont get mad at others for what they like


cruiseroutfit loves third-person jabber... ;)

I was never mad.... funny how you feel people are mad at you... You presented your opening argument, and I (as the GOD of 4wheelin) presented my rebuttal statement... standard form. :D


Duct Tape
Syracuse, Utah
I say move it. I am young and like to have fun, bu when I ge the chance to go down to Moab, I want to be wheelin'...not cleaning up others trash, trying to drive through crowds ( of people) on trails, or get run over driving to get gas.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
drtsqrl said:
A date change has been something we have been mulling over for a long time now. It's not an easy decision... we're talking 38 years of tradition here! There are definate pros and cons, and no one knows for sure if it will work or not. Our hope is that by moving it, we can provide a better event for our participants as well as the community, and ultimately help keep our trails open.

So far, the BLM and the community seem to support the idea. Our associate members (the out-of area members that we rely on so heavily for trail officials) also have supported the idea (a survey we conducted a couple years ago showed over 80% approval). The local club members, however, are deeply split...

We still have a lot of work to do to make this happen, and it is not a "sure thing". Whatever happens, we need to get back some control over the town and the trails during Safari, or we are destined to eventually lose it altogether.

Jeff Stevens


Jeff knows what he is talking about. As the current VP of RR4W he has seen Safari mutate into a "SPRING BREAK AT DAYTONA BEACH" type event. That is NOT why it was started, and it will NOT continue if it stays the way it has been!!!

Since moving to Moab in June, my wife and I have become a voting members of the club, and we have sat through the RR4W meetings each month and listened to the arguements, at times heated, over what to do about Safari. Bottom line is: SOMETHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!! It can not continue the way it has been, and if changing the date isn't the right answer then WE will decide what is. Jeep Safari is OUR event and we are trying to do what we feel is best for the Club, the sport, the participants, and the community. If you don't like our decisions, by all means STAY HOME!!!!

Now if you have any USEFUL suggesations I know I would be willing to listen and I'm sure Jeff or any other RR4W member would too, but please don't bother us by whining about how we are ruining your "party" if the date of Safari is moved.

RR4W member
Last edited:


Seasoned Mall Cruiser
Next door
Sissio18 said:
lol thats beautiful Kurt! doing what you do! im sorry i forgot! youre "god" when it comes to 4wheeling! youre all knowing and everyone else around you can barely live up to your knowledgeable expectations. this is made for opinions and if you dont like anything else but youre own, well i dont know what to tell ya. start a religion. I know what i know. I base my opinions on what my own eyes see. Sorry if thats different from yours but maybe you need to accept that maybe a different view exists? You think im some drunk partier? No im someone who likes to go out and have a good time. Im not gonna sit back and let you "4wheeling gods" run ur own little shindig because god forbid, i dont breathe and sleep 4hweeling. I like it. Its fun to watch, sometimes fun to do! I have a blast! So if youre going to sit and complain..."oh the people who like to have fun are here! theyre ruining my life!" my advice would be to maybe get over it? I refuse to be ashamed for my opinion and what my own eyes see and perceive. I dont need specific facts and dates and names to justify my own personal opinion. If youre trying to make urself look even more egotistical, youre doing fantastic! But if youre trying to justify the opposite of my opinion, as they say..."dont quit your day job".

Hmmmmmm................became a member in 8-04..........4 posts (including the ones in this thread) you jump straight in to this debate with that opinion, and you admit you basically like to watch wheeling but only occassionally actually wheel??????????????

Might you just be a.........

Chevtech thinks so
