EJS Potato Salad hill cleanup schedule


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
If you haven't noticed yet, we're organizing a cleanup of Potato Salad hill during Easter Jeep Safari. Here's the info on who, where, when & why-

OK guys... time to act. :D

If you'll remember last years EJS, Jeff Knoll orchestrated an excellent cleanup of the Potato Salad hill. He challenged people to participate in the event & had a turnout that impressed many people who were against our hobby and made an great impact in Moab that's never been made before.

Here's his original reason why he did this-

Jeff Knoll said:
Moab EJS Challenge

Last year while attending EJS, the Moab paper ran an article about a local Green activist that was picking up the trash of the bad 4 wheelers every morning during EJS. She had been cleaning up the trash left behind at potato salad hill. With EJS just around the corner we again started talking about last year’s story in the paper.
My family and I have made the commitment to be at potato salad hill at sun up on at least one day during safari.

He had every aspect of cleaning the area up covered each day; dumpsters, clean-up crews, garbage bags, etc. The challenge brought out the best in people and received a lot of commendation from the local BLM office and changed the reputation of the 4 Wheeling community.

After contacting Jeff and asking if he will be able to run the event again this year, he said he wouldn't be able to attend EJS and has turned this clean-up over to us here on RME. :eek:

We have 2 goals-

#1- Raise enough money for a dumpster & 3 toilets at Potato Salad hill. Cost- $1800 for 10 days.

#2- Have volunteers at Potato Salad hill each morning, picking up & disposing of trash. We'll need 8 groups, one for each day of the EJS. Dates will be April 1st thru the 8th.

We're working on the details of this, but I could really use some help running this, as well as people who are willing to clean up PHS each morning. Post up & lets hear what you guys are willing to do! I'll work on a way of gathering donations & we'll set up an official place to schedule who will be cleaning on what days.

This thread is to organize the groups who will clean up the site of Potato Salad hill each morning. Please help by taking a small amount of time out of your schedule while at EJS and pick up the trash left behind by the crowds.

Sunday the 1st-

Monday the 2nd-

Tuesday the 3rd-

Wednesday the 4th-

Thursday the 5th-

Friday the 6th- Blacksheep

Saturday (Big Saturday) the 7th-

Sunday 8th- Utah 4Wheel Drive Assoc;

Monday 9th-

Let's plan on meeting at 5 AM, each morning for the cleanup.

Post up when you & your group will take a morning to clean up PSH and I'll fill in the spots above. The heaviest trash days will probably be Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, so the more volunteers on those days, the better! We'd love to see the Volunteers there shortly after sunrise. Please take 30 minutes out of your time & help improve the image of the offroad community!

I'm going to see how many days I can be there, depends on work. I'm planning on being there for a few days minimum.
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baaaaaaaaaad to the bone
Supporting Member
Signed up for Friday morning at sunrise. Might be able to make it on some other days, but I haven't got the complete schedule yet.

A check is headed your way to help with the costs of dumpster rental.


somewhat damaged
I will sign up as my schedule gets a little more set in stone. I'll probably sign up for more than one.

Those of us meeting there in the mornings can also plan out a trail ride after the clean up is done. :cool:


Well-Known Member
If I can get my Cherokee done/working in time, I'll pull my pick-trailer down. It's got lot's of clearance under it. We could use it to collect/transport the trash to the dumpsters.


I luv Pritchett
I am leading / gunning trails on the 2nd and 3rd. But you can count on me helping out on Sunday the 8th, as well as 1 or 2 other days. I'll also get some other club members to help, but we won't have a schedule untill after our meeting next week.


- - - -
Looks like I'll be able to leave work at 2pm on the 7th so I can help out on the 8th and 9th. Hope to have the jeep going by then.:)

Won't have the jeep:rolleyes: but I'll still be there on the 8th and the 9th
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Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
Holy @^$%#&*$#^. Is it even legal to get up that early?? :eek:

The people from the recycling center will be there starting at 5 AM, those who will be helping with the cleanup are encouraged to be there at 5, but I understand if you can't be there 'till later in the morning. :)


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
I just spoke with the sheriff's office. They will close PSH every evening, and the closing time will depend on how the crowds at PSH are. The sheriff's department will have a command center just at the entry road to PSH. If the road is closed you need to identify yourself as a member of RME to either Deputy Steve White, or Deputy Curt Brewer, and they will allow you to enter PSH after hours to clean up. They will not allow any wheeling in the area after hours; this is access to clean up only.

The preferred clean up time will still be early morning, and the recycling center people will be there every morning to assist with that. I would imagine that they will need help removing the recycling goods from the area.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
Holy @^$%#&*$#^. Is it even legal to get up that early?? :eek:

You see that I made arrangements with the Sheriff’s office so that you can get access in the evening, when it has been cleared out, and you all can get your beauty rest! :D

The early time is still prefered because it allows us to work with the recyclers better. I am trying to get ahold of them to see how much of the recycling we can have taken care of in the evenings.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I'll try and make it down friday evening. I'm not sure what time I'll be rolling into town.