Grand Gulch backpack


Well-Known Member
Was able to get in a backpacking trip to lower Grand Gulch last weekend, with my hiking partners Jared and Randy. Mucho fun! We had a little rain, and a little cooler weather, but over all not bad weather. Water was everywhere, easiest trip to Grand Gulch yet, for finding water to drink. We went in at Collins, up to Bannister, then back down, ended up down to Shangrila and then back up and out Collins. Walked about 45 miles in three and a half days. After the first morning, we saw nobody else the whole time - it was great!

Just some pics...

Fremont site on the Swell we stopped to check out on the way down



Old cowboy camp near the trail head in Collins canyon



Lots and lots of rock art on this trip. I liked the baby foot prints - much like we do today. And the Siamese twin dude is pretty cool too!



Randy on the trail


Jared on the trail




Well-Known Member
More rock art...




So, Randy is looking up at some rock art - which you can just make out in the picture - that is clear up on the ceiling of this big alcove. The Anasazi were some climbing mothers!


Typical scenery along the trail


More rock art...






Well-Known Member
Jared giving some scale to the rock art panel.


Check out these cut in half dudes.



In another part of the Gulch we visited a few years ago, there is another rock art panel showing a guy cut in half. At that site, a mummy of a man was dug up, which had been cut in half and crudely sewed back together with yucca cords. The people who dug him up, reported that even 800 years after death, he still had an expression of extreme pain on his face. Seeing another panel with people cut in half, makes me wonder what the deal was with that...

A log ladder we used while exploring one of the many side canyons along the way.


More rock art...





Well-Known Member
Wetherill (Shaw) Arch


Neat camp spot!


You can see the arch (and camp) in the background across the canyon here.


Super-super neat kiva!


The best "wild" kiva I've ever seen. By wild, I mean it has not been dug by archaeologist, has not been looted, has no BLM signage or indication that the feds even know it exists. It obviously does not see many visitors, the site is in pretty pristine condition. I even noted an unmolested cyst in the alcove, which likely contains a burial. You never see those un-looted anymore. Lots of big potsherds all about too. And 700+ year old corn still attached to the stalk. All very, very cool!




Always a great time with Jared and Randy. We all like to get up early and hit it hard. And see as much as we can see on our trips together. It's always a lot of fun. And I love Grand Gulch! My goal is to walk the whole thing from Kane Gulch to the San Juan. Not all at once, but in sections. Plus explore all the major side canyons. I have most of the major side canyons done already, plus a lot of the smaller side canyons. And a pretty good chunk of the main gulch from the ranger station to the river already done. Figure it will take me two more three day trips to have that part done. But, there are lots of places I want to go back and visit again, too. Could probably spend all my free time for the rest of my life on Cedar Mesa and in Grand Gulch and not come close to exploring all the places I already have on my list. And the list gets longer every time I go!



Well-Known Member
My back has it's good weeks and it's bad weeks. I try not to let that translate into good or bad for me. If I'm gonna hurt, might as well be somewhere neat, doing something fun!

The surgery in my neck is finally starting to pay off though. Pain finally started to subside last week - the first day backpacking. Not sure if that is related, but it wouldn't surprise me. Been doing physical therapy twice a week too, which I know is helping. Not looking like I'll ever get any strength back, but, oh well, I don't need to kick anyone's ass anymore :D.

Didn't see any poison ivy. Not sure, but don't think I ever have, down there? Heck, I don't even know what it looks like, I guess. Maybe I was wading through it for hours, LOL!



Finding Utah
Supporting Member
Looks Awesome Dave, Ill have to live vicariously through everyone for a while due to my Daughter overdosing again...Stupid anxiety/depression, one day I will be able to enjoy these type of things once more. Thanks for the sweet pics!!


Registered User
Salt Lake
Really nice! Can you camp anywhere or do they have designated sites you must use like in Salt Creek? And those white pictographs, is that the pigment color or did some one chalk over petroglyphs like was done a lot in the old days?


Well-Known Member
Camping at large, thank goodness. The sites in Salt Creek are fine, but having to plan your trip around being at those specific points is kind of screwed up.

We thought the pictos had been chalked, the white was just too vibrant. But, after much closer inspection, we were much less sure. Still not sure! If I had to place a bet though, I'd bet on chalked.



Backroad Adventurer
Great report Dave, I count myself lucky to be able to do the occasional trip with you and Randy!

I did not notice any poison ivy.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Thanks for the report. You should make a living at this stuff. Your reports really inspire a lot of us to get out more. Glad the neck is doing better.