healthcare vote


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
It would be fantastic if we could get the bare minimum out of everyone. That goes for RME and U4WDA members too. What is your suggestion for doing more other than shooting someone?

it would be. but it seems that most are less inclined to leave comfort, and venture out to have their voices heard. the "opposition" however, is not.

As far as shooting goes, that will have to remain in the wet dreams fundamentalists. Although, there was something to be said for a bolshevik

I'd be happy getting the bare minimum out of our elected officials, without having to spend my OWN time doing their job. They're supposed to be "representative" government. :D If I've got to go to meetings to remind them of that, write letters to remind them of that, fly to DC to protest to remind them of that, then they are failing to do their jobs.

/goatstylestir hehe

and you feel that they have been successfully doing their jobs up to what decade? 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, about since the dawn of man?

try this approach, its worked for jenn & i
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