Hi all!


Formerly WJ ZUK
Silence is not acceptance. What leads you to question my sexuality in the first place? Looking to score, I assume... still want that phone number for my psych? :D

From the look of your face in your avatar it looks like your psych, and who knows how many other large prison type men have had their way with you.. But if you want to fight my girlfriend for me, it's your call you might be able to take her. You do prefer cats though, I wonder how they died?guilty:


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Supporting Member
So you don't deny your(insert rainbow here). Who would I disapoint? Thats the least thing I'm worried about;)

What a deusch. WTF did he do to elicit cheap shots from you?

or maybe you actually do know him?


Formerly WJ ZUK
apparentley someone is extra sensitive about a joke. Relax... if he wants me to stop he should just say something;)